Writing Tips

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Writers Block Part 2

Yo my flowers! It's me @Meap4Ships back with Part 2 in the Writers Block edition! Now I bet y'all are wondering when I'm gonna stop blabbering and cut to the chase. That is now (I hope).

The other thing that might help with writers block is simple. Take A Break. Bet you saw that coming.

Just simply stop writing and live your life. Go to the mall, play sports, watch movies, hang out with friends! It's your life to do whatever you want with.

I'm telling you, with only a week of no writing, life will have given you at least one idea. They come from everyday problems, leisure activities that you watch/do, from nature. Ideas will strike at the most unlikely of places, just let yourself relax.

I think that's it, sorry for the shortness! Well, I hoped this helped, and to all you German fans out there, congrats on winning the 2014 FIFA World Cup! Talk about the right time for World Unity ;).

Until September my flowers, @Meap4Ships out ~~~

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