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Once the blue gem was dipped into the not-so-blue water, Rachel not just went into a deep sleep, but went into the spiritual reminiscent world. She saw a path of light blue gems lighting up the way. "This is it." Rachel said with Her last and final words. Despite it being so serial, how peaceful it was, something was calling Her...That strong desire, contorting. The reality of being alive was so psycho-semantic. Bloody shadows covered the walls, along with handprints & mysterious writing She couldn't make out. "What the heck, If I can't even read the writing, must I-" "Uh?!! Ahhh!!!" Kerplummp! POP! POP! POP! POP! POP! POP! POP! Her instincts were hyperventilating from the fear of dying. So much disturbing secrets where exposing towards Her. The most vindictive, unsettling nightmares where creeping closer and ready to come out and unleash an uncertainty that rocks back & fourth. Stinging, responding to the most ominous, despair & the most diabolical uncertainty that is ready to strike. STRIKE! I SAID STRIKE LIKE THAT GHOUL BEHIND  that came up. It smacked Her shoulders and made Her jump. "AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!" She yelped. She faced forward with such grimm expression & ran, RAN! She imagined...Oh wait, She couldn't imagine! It was a dream! The ghoul went and pierced Her chest with a fake knife. To trick Her and give Her a heads up on what will happen next. "DIE NEXT, DIE NEXT, DIE NEXT, DI." Was trio of puppets chasing Her. "Watch your step!" Said a man in a ticket booth! Rachel went plummeting down into an abyss! The scary figures on the other hand jumped onto a roller coaster that magically passed through. As it took off, Rachel could still envision the map of Her dream. There was no way out.

There was a sparkling flood light that shined upon Her falling. "WE CAN SEE YOU!" SCREAMED THE TICKET booth man, the three puppets and the ghoul. "Your falling indefinitely, close your eyes RACHEL!!!!" Ordered Dr. Michaels. And so it is. She did and it worked. It woke Her up in an underground military base! "So many. Choose to loose...YOU WILL NOT LOOSE, MY LADY RACHEL!!" Screamed Dr. Michaels, almost becoming deafening.

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