Chapter 1

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During the ceremony, Rachel was giving a speech about how the mind is very powerful and that we can have dreams about just anything. "Dreams are like text messages to yours brain-except you don't know what to text them back!" She exclaimed. This is not what you thought that day. Do you want me to just go back a little more? " YOU SUCK RACHEL FOWLER!!!!" One boy screamed in the crowd. Some other bullies where calling her out as well. Her english teacher, Mr.Benson thundered"STOP with your foolishness! Rachel, proceed..." "Thanks, Mr. Benson." "No problem!" He said back. " As I was saying, I was saying that off of the search engine Bing, and I found out that "One approach to dream investigations involves the study of dream content-the themes, the emotions, images, and events that occur and unfolded within dreams themselves. Another aspect of dream research looks at the activity of the dream and the body while dreaming occurs. These two broad avenues often interest overlap, with scientific inquires that examine dream contest and dream mechanics. Some of the latest and the most illuminating advances in dream research do just that. Both ways, of of investigating dreams can shed light on the nature and purpose behind our very complicated and compelling ability to dream." She concluded.

"No shit!..." One of the douchebags said. "LANGUAGE!" Mr. Benson yelled again.

Rachel then started biting her lower lip with tears welling up in her eyes. "Calm down Rachel you did good-" Mr. Benson clasped on his back. Rachel pointed with her index finger at what appeared to be mist in the shape of an old mans face screaming. The mist stretched further...further and further toward her and hit her forehead. AAAAAAAHHH!

"WAKE UP! Wake up!" Rachel's mother said. "WHAT?!" She said half asleep. "You need to come downstairs and eat breakfast, and get ready to go to the Millerfords to babysit." Her mother explained in a firm voice.

"On it."Rachel muffled. She walked into her bathroom to see a bloody handprint on the wall. "What in the heck is that?" Rachel quivered." Rachel, honey, hurry up...or you are going to be late." Her father called out. "Daddy there is something wrong! There is a bloody handprint up there and I'm not bleeding." "Well, just do your morning routine and I will be up to check it out." He stated.


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