The dead unleashes

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Justin:I want to apologize for the crap I gave you
Your my girl...

Rachel:No you are not Justin...It's over

Rachel:You mistreated me! Abused me! And I am not WM trash pickup!


JUSTIN: I love you! ❤️
COME on! 😀 😇

Rachel: 😝 you dick!

After the monstrously, All the sibs where asleep. Except the dreadful babysitter.


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"Rachel I-" "SHUT UP JUSTIN KELLY! I AM NOT YOUR GODDAMN GIRLFRIEND, ANYMORE..." Rachel screamed. Her ex-boyfriend was being a pest. He's trying to rule the roost since their heated breakup. Rachel was done! DONE! " I'm exhausted! I'm tired! And you! I'm tired of hearing from a cold-selfish bastard like you. Any longer! Where done! Where done! DONE WITH THIS! Good riddance, idiot-punk." Rachel finally said, wasting Her last breath. "Sorry everyone, that was just my ex-boyfriend. He's trying to get me to date Him!" "It's o.k.!" Molly said with joy. She looked at Her arm. She smiled at Her bandage. "That bite sure did hurt,...zzzzz-" Molly went off to sleep. "Yes...I had a girl before,..." Marcus said."She...It was such a shit relationship," He stated."I...wanna..cough...cough,ouch...forget Her for the rest of my life." "I'm sorry." Rachel said. She yawned. Andrew just hit the pillow without saying a word. "Goodnight." Rachel said.

The evilness was about to feed off Her innocent soul for yet again, it consumed every emotion in Her body. Just even to fall back asleep.


Okay, let's rethink this. You walk into somebodies annndd. The left window is shattered. YOU would PROBABLY be thinking," I can't believe that you couldn't fix it." You think too much to yourself. WHY??!!!!! People today...Rachel? RACHEL?? I'm speaking to you...It was not for long that this psychotic voice keeps nagging Rachel. CAMERA: Rebecca.3.2,000 ON. SECURITY ON.


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It was midnight. A DEATH-RIDDEN PLACE WHERE I COULD GO AND COUNT TO 13, AND COUNT BACKWARDS.UNTIL I SCREAM"BLOODY TERROR." Rachel was ready to fall asleep. Into a deep sleep. Before She went to sleep, a voice said to Her! "Where's my mommy?" Molly said."WHAT?!" Rachel screeched. Molly was was there, but paler...half was messed up. She disappeared right in front of Rachel. "A apple...a pill. APPLE, apple away keeps the doc-"


"Huh!!!!" Rachel said with a startle. Away? What's AWAY? She was like water,cinnamon & raspberries. Like vanilla.

She paused..what was that sound? Cringing slowly..Then breathing..Then cringing. Then binging on breathing slowly..Breathing in. Then breathing out..Reaching in then reaching out BOOM! The thoughts went AWAY...Listening to a sound now, it sounds like a knife scratching against the furnish of the wooden dresser. Glistening silently like a fallen angel ready to resuscitate. The sound on the other hand,well, was breathing that was beating the EARDRUMS OF GOOD OLE RACHEL FOWLER!

KAAA- - Boooo!!!!! It's 7:30, wasn't too late at night though. So She went to the bathroom. She washed Her eyes out that were filled with filthy crust..EW! She thought. After She turned off the spigot, She saw the foggy mirror with a nun in the background. Woah! That is cool! Thought Rachel. She looked back to see a big panting of a church nun in the exotic, jewel filled bathroom. MARVELOUS! Amazing...Until She got ready to take a shower. The room was dark and faded with a sad-light blue color that completes the color pattern of the pretty bathroom floor. "This should refresh me." She muffled to Herself. She took off Her tank-top, and grabbed a towel. When She was in the shower, She cleansed Her body. She let the water casque on Her face...then hitting Her abdomen. She swished Her hair back. "It sure is better than any nonsense and danger. Woah..." She continued bathing. "Well it's time to-" "WHY??" Slush.splish..! Slosh splash! Spring. Sprung. STOP!!! Rachel turned off the water and dried off. She put fresh pajamas on. She then got back in bed to get some rest. She..and tried to DDDRRRRRRREEAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..."Just relax Rachel and..Ha!......" "I WILL KILL YOU!!" She slept anyhow. She put more tension on Her grasp of Her pillow. She was trying NOT to lose anymore sleep. She shut Her eyes...Tightly...Tightly until She went into a state of mind. Picturing a Koloa bear, and some mattresses. There was a stack of mattresses stacked high off the ground...BUT. One of the mattresses fell off the top. Falling from a far...Rachel yet again faced the perception of glorifying agony. She tried to dodge it...but it was too late..


Waking up with a startling phase, She found Herself in a utility room. Boo! "Ouch!" Said Rachel. Bop! Bang! She kept bumping Her head on the pipes until...





"She was hearing mysterious music, like bells to the lavender sirens. Charming," A lady whispered. "The dying part on how or where to die doesn't make you consider that the fact that they could let you off the hook. Or and are cheating a severe death that let's the outer firewall march like the saints." The lady drastically considered disappearing. Rachel...Ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran ran & RAN. She entered a black room with shapes. She figured out that it wasn't playing tricks on Her. This continued, the music happend to be SCORN'S song "Slumber!" The faded shapes that coincidentally, well where pointing at Her. Walking down the stairs that lit up like an aisle, like what you would see at a movie theater. Also...She was concincious going down the drain pipe where it was leading to a very dangerous place: the place in the attic where it looks like solid but you could fall through! Where gonna get you, where gonna get na na na..NA NA..kinda go to sleep...They where poltergeists in the form of children. Rachel found the ladder. She let it crash down hard until it was ready to break. The children surrounded Her. She was backed up to the wall, to see the Muscle Man ghost come out...and get Her. The thing was half-ghost, half-beast. It picked Rachel Fowler. It then slammed Her on the bannister.


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