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When we arrived on Saleucami we where greeted by Cut and his family. I smiled as the kids ran and hugged Rex while Cut smiled at us.

"Okay let the poor guy breath! I think we have a wedding to set up." Cut said with a laugh.

"How does he do it?" I asked Jek.

"He can read minds." Jek said with a laugh.

Soon I was in a white dress and I was standing in front of Rex.

"Kanan are you ready?" I asked with a smile.

"I can't believe I'm marrying you guys..... I don't like this." He said shaking his head.

"Shut up and marry us already. I don't want to have to wait another fifteen years." Rex said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and soon we where saying our vows.

"Anya.... Hotshot, My Trooper, the pain in my butt. I don't know where I would be if I hadn't met you. You saved my life without even realizing it. You made me more human than I knew I could be. You made me feel things I was told I couldn't feel. You made me love yo with your smile and your cockiness..... I promise no matter what is thrown at us.... I'll always protect you." He said softly.

"Rex..... my Captain.... my idiot. I knew I loved you from the moment you carried me up that hill to a station with robots that wanted to kill us. I knew I couldn't live without you after you called me weak."

He laughed and I smiled as I continued.

"I knew that I would follow you anywhere after I watched you nearly die. You took my heart and I don't want it back.... you gave me something worth fighting for.... something I don't want to lose.... you made me who I am today.... after I left all I thought about was you.... and all I wanted was to be here in front of you saying I do."

I smiled as we finished saying I do and the Kanan said that we could kiss. Rex sent me a wink and I laughed as he dipped me and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck so I wouldn't fall while he held me. He pulled away and I laughed as he helped me stand.

"I love you." He whispered against my forehead.

"I love you more." I said softly.

Soon we moved in with Cut and his family and started on our own house. Sometimes Rex would leave to help the rebels and I stayed home with Shaeeah, T'wala and their kids.

"So ever think about having kids of your own?" Shaeeah asked with a smile.

"I've thought about it, but I don't think I'll be a good mother." I said as I let out a sigh.

"Of course you will. I mean you practically helped me and Jek with our kids." T'wala said with a smile.

"Yea, but.... it's different. I just don't think I'll be a great mother." I said softly.

I let out a sigh as I sent them a small smile before going home and cleaning. After talking to Ahsoka I went to bed and when I open my eyes I was in a temple.

"Hello?" I asked as I walked up the steps.

I saw lightning and shielded my eyes as I looked around.

"Ahsoka! Ahsoka." A voice called.

"Anakin. I won't leave you. Not this time." Ahsoka said as I saw her and Darth Vader.

"Then you will die." Vader said igniting his saber.

"Ahsoka! No! No!" Ezra yelled.

"Ezra! Ezra, let's go!" Kanan ordered.

I saw Ahsoka and Vader fight and then a light shown in my eyes and I gasped as I shot up out of bed.

"No!" I screamed as I gasped for air.

I tried getting a hold of Ahsoka, but couldn't. I kept trying until a day had past and I heard my front door open. I turned around to see Rex and I felt tears stream down my face as he dropped his helmet.

"No." I whispered as he rushed up to me and caught me.

"No! Ahsoka!" I screamed as he held me.

I felt my life crash and burn as Rex held me in his arms. Apart of me couldn't believe that she was gone, but the other part knew she wasn't coming home.

As the days past Rex spent most of the time with me at home. I hadn't ate much and I had become broken hearted.

"Sweetheart.... you have to eat." Rex said as he held a bowl in his hand.

I shook my head no and he let out a sigh as he put the bowl down and set beside me on the bed.

"Please.... I don't want to lose you..... I can't." He said softly.

After I didn't say anything he let out another sigh and stood up.

"The kid and Kanan need my help on a mission. I'll see you when I return." He said as he walked out of the house.

After awhile I let out a sigh and stood up. I saw little Rex playing with his cousin's and I smiled softly as I thought back to when I was his age.

"Hard to forget, it is." A voice said.

"Yoda?" I asked looking around.

"Stricken with lose, are you." He said calmly.

"Ahsoka is gone..... she was killed."

"Alive but you are. Survive you must."

"I'm not the same as I was.... I'm broken."

"Broken? Broken nothing ever stays. Glue the pieces, together must you."


"Remember, the bad and the good. Lean on others, alone you are not."

I smiled softly as his voice disappeared and I was left alone to my thoughts. After a couple of days Rex returned home and I smiled as I watched him enter the house with his helmet. I held my hand out and he put his helmet down and walked up to me and took my hand. I pulled him to lay beside me and I snuggled into him.

"I miss her." I whispered as tears streamed down my face.

"I know... I know sweetheart." He said as he kissed my forehead.

I cried into his chest and he held me tightly. It wasn't long before the war ended, and like I had seen Kanan was killed. Ezra ended up going missing and Sabine left to find him. Rex and I stayed with Cut's family and soon decided to have a child of our own. A son who we named, Anakin.... after the man who brought us together.

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