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Not long after the incident we where placed on another mission. I smiled as I made it into the chamber and saw Fives and Echo.

"My sister!" Echo yelled as he hugged me.

"My brothers." I said playfully.

He hugged me and Fives patted my back.

"Never thought I would see your beautiful face again." Echo said playfully.

"I was praying I wouldn't see yours." I said with a laugh.

"Good to see you Hotshot." Fives said with a smile.

Fives shook his head and ruffled my head as Rex came up to us. They saluted him and I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Really? You don't salut him?" Echo asked confused.

"Nope." I said as I walked past him.

We soon got frozen and I smiled as I sent Rex a wink. Soon we where unfrozen and I stretched, I popped my neck and laughed as I saw Ahsoka.

"Sis I really hope you asked Skywalker before you did this." I said with a laugh.

She sent me a wink and I shook my head. We soon started the mission and made our way to the Citadel.

"So, Hotshot what's it like working under a Jedi?" Fives asked as we made it to the wall.

"It was normal when I worked under Kenobi, but with Skywalker.... not one boring day." I said with a laugh.

"Did you hear about 99?" Echo asked softly.

"Yea.... Rex told me.... it sucks. He was the bravest of us all." I said softly.

"He asked about you. He was proud that you where working with a Jedi." Fives said softly.

I smiled softly and then we started up the wall. I let out a sigh as we found Master Piell. We found his other man and soon we made it out of the prison and to a secure location. I set beside Fives and Echo and smiled as Ahsoka walked up to me.

"My Master is angry." She said softly.

"He will be more angry when he learns you lied. Do you truly think Master Plo will lie?" I asked softly.

"I hope he will." She said with a sigh.

I sent her a smile and laughed as she left.

"She reminds me of you." Echo said with a laugh.

"Someone save her." Fives said with a laugh.

"Watch it Fives. I'll kick your butt." I said with a smile.

"Love to see you try."

"Tell me when and where." I said with a smirk.

"So after we make it back how about we all hang out?" Echo said with a smile.

"Sure thing. Just know you are buying the drinks." Fives said with a smirk.

"Oh come on!" He groaned.

"Your idea." I said with a laugh.

I sent Fives a wink before we left to escape. I stood beside Fives and we snuck back to our shuttle. We made it to the shuttle and tried to get to it.

"Echo!" A voice yelled.

I froze as I turned to see Echo making a run for the ship.

"No!" I yelled.

But it was to late, the shuttle exploded and I was thrown into Fives. I stood up and screamed Echo's name before Fives dragged me away. We made it to a cave and I let out a sigh as I set alone and held Echo's helmet in my hands. Ahsoka walked up to me and I sent her a small smile as I held the helmet.

"You know he was the first one to accept me, he kept a stupid picture of us in his helmet." I said as I pulled it out.

"I'm sorry Anya..... I know you were close." She said taking my hand.

"We need to finish this mission." I said softly.

She nodded her head and soon we left and made our way through the Citadel. I walked with Ahsoka and Master Piell. We soon got attacked by a spider and I aimed my gun and started to shoot at it. I was thrown to the ground and I groaned as I stood up to see Ahsoka standing over Piell. I rushed to them and let out a sigh as I saw he was gone.

"He gave me the coordinates." She said softly.

I nodded my head and soon we gave him a Jedi funeral. We made it to the check point and I let out a sigh as we escaped and made it home. Ahsoka sent me a small smile and I let out a sigh as I held onto Echo's helmet. When I made it to my room I put the helmet on my dresser and looked down at my hands. My door soon open and I looked up to see Rex. He walked towards me and gently took my hands. I clung to him and he hugged me tightly as I cried into his shoulder.

"It's alright.... I have you." He whispered as he held onto me.

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