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I let out a sigh as I left and made my way to the planet Saleucami.

"So why are we going to Saleucami?" A voice asked.

I yelped as I turned to see Sabine smiling at me.

"Sabine! What are you doing here?" I asked angrily.

"Saw that you where going on your disappearing act again and decided to see what was up." She said with a smile.

"I'm going to visit an old friend." I said annoyed.

"Who is this old friend?"

"His name is Cut. His daughter Shaeeah is having her first child.... she wanted me to be there." I said softly.

She nodded her head and I let out a sigh as we made it to Saleucami and we made it to the farm.

"Anya!" A voice yelled cheerfully.

I smiled as Jek ran out and hugged me.

"Good to see you, Jek. How is Shaeeah doing?" I asked with a smile.

Jek has gotten taller and grown up more. He was engaged to a woman named T'wala.

"She is ready to pop. T'wala is with her right now. Who is this?" He asked as we walked towards the house.

"This is Sabine. She is apart of my team. She snuck on beard my ship." I said with a laugh.

"Nice to meet you Sabine. I am Jek." He said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you." She said softly.

We made it inside and I smiled as T'wala walked up to me and hugged me.

"It is so good to see you again my friend." T'wala said with a smile.

"Good to see you too. How is she?" I asked smiling at her.

"She is good. She has been waiting for you." She said softly.

I walked into the room and smiled as I took Shaeeah hand.

"Hotshot! You're here!" She said happily.

"Of course I am here. I would never miss this." I said softly.

She smiled as she held my hand as she had her child.

"You have a healthy baby boy." T'wala said with a smile.

Shaeeah took the child in her arms and smiled happily as she cradled him gently.

"He is beautiful." I said softly.

"Rex..... his name is Rex." She said softly.

"He would of loved that." I said with a smile.

"Would you like to hold him?" She asked with a smile.

"I'd love to." I said as she handed him to me.

"Hello handsome." I said as I smiled down at him.

I soon handed him back to Shaeeah and I stood up and left to talk to Cut.

"How are you Hotshot?" He asked as I walked up to him.

"Horrible." I said calmly.

"Still having the nightmares?" He asked softly.

"Yea.... it is getting worse. I'm seeing things that will happen.... a few days ago I had a dream about Master Luminara.... She was killed.... and I was in a prison cell. A man in black came and asked about Ahsoka." I said softly.

"What does it mean?"

"I think I might have to go and see Ahsoka again. I don't know when, but I know I will." I said softly.

"That isn't all is it."

"I had a dream last night..... I was on a planet.... and I walked up to a walker...... Commanders Wolffe and Gregory walked out and then.... Rex walked out..... he can't be alive can he? I mean.... Master Plo told me he had been killed." I said softly.

"Only time can tell..... keep going the way you are going.... and I'm sure everything will become clear." He said with a smile.

"Nothing is ever clear." I said softly.

"You have to let the past die someday." He said softly.

"I can't, believe me I have tried, but it won't die."

"This war is going to kill you.... when will you finally stop and come home?"

"When I have finally made up all the wrong I have done."

I soon left to find Sabine and we left for Lothal.

"I never knew that you had friends out here." Sabine said softly.

"When I was a soldier..... I met Cut and his family. I became close to them after I left the war." I said softly.

"Who was Rex?"

"An old friend..... he died a long time ago." I said calmly.

She nodded her head and we made it to Lothal. I smiled as I walked up to the Ghost and saw Zeb and Ezra talking to Kanan and Hera.

"Hey, how was the trip?" Kanan asked with a smile.

"Boring. Is that Meiloorun fruit? I thought it was super rare." I said confused.

"It is?" Zeb asked shocked.

"Yea almost no one sells it. How did you find it here?" I asked confused.

I saw Zeb and Ezra look at Hera with a frown and she smiled innocently. I laughed as Chopper bumped into them and they went after him.

"Looks like we didn't miss much." Sabine said with a laugh.

I shook my head and smiled as I walked into the ship and we got ready to take off. A few days later Ezra and Kanan were training and he fell off the ghost.

"Is he alright?" I asked softly.

"He will live." Kanan said with a frown.

I let out a sigh as they came in and we soon watched the HoloNet News.

"Master Luminara is alive?" I asked shocked.

"Yep, and we are going to rescue her." Kanan said with a smile.

"Kanan.... I don't think she is alive." I said softly.

"No she is alive.... we saw her on the HoloNet." He said with a smile.

"I don't think she is." I said shaking my head.

He shook his head and I let out a sigh as I walked away and made my way to the front. While they went after her I stayed in the ship, until I felt something.

"I'll be back." I said as I left the ship.

I snuck into The Spire and made my way through it. I snuck into the control room and looked through the records.

"No." I whispered as I read Luminara's record.

I ran out of the control room and rushed to the cell. I made it in time to see Kanan and Ezra fighting the man from my dreams. I hid from them and closed my eyes as I put my hand out. The man's blade flew from his hands and Kanan threw him back. I snuck back to the ship and got on. When they returned and told us about Luminara I let out a sigh.

"You where right..... she was gone." Kanan said as he walked away.

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