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A little girl with no hair ran down the street after a Togruta child. She laughed as they ran down a hill to the market.

"Soka! Wait for me!" She yelled with a laugh.

Soka giggled and kept running into she hit the ground and fell hurting her knee.

"Ahsoka! Are you okay?" The girl asked checking her over.

"I'm fine sissy." She said with a smile.

"Soka your gonna be the death of me." She said with a laugh.

"Sorry Anya." She said as she was helped up.

"Let's go to the market now. I heard a Jedi was there with his clone troopers!" She exclaimed happily dragging Ahsoka behind her.

They made it to the market and smiled happily as they saw the Jedi Master called Plo Koon. He was beside some troopers and after awhile he turned to look at them. Anya grabbed Ahsoka and pulled her closer.

"Why is he looking at us?" Anya asked herself.

"Maybe he thinks we're cute." Soka said with a smile.

"Moron." Anya said with a laugh.

Anya turned to look at the man only to see he was standing in front of them. She quickly bowed her head and the man let out a chuckle as Ahsoka followed in her footsteps.

"What are your names little ones?" He asked leaning down to their height.

"Anya is my name and this is Ahsoka... my sister." Anya said calmly.

"I see, Ahsoka you are strong with the force." He said with a smile.

"Does that mean she will get to train to be a Jedi?" Anya asked looking up quickly.

"Maybe....... Anya you know if I take her you can not come along..... right?" He asked softly.

"Then I won't go! We go together." Ahsoka said as she latched onto Anya.

"Soka. You should go, you need this. I'll be fine I promise." Anya said with a sad smile.

Plo watched as Ahsoka hugged her sister for a last time and then he took her in his arms and started to walk away with her. After Anya couldn't see them anymore she ran to where they went. She saw them walk onto a ship and she smiled as she saw two troopers talking. She snuck past them and made it to a crate, and hid inside. After awhile she felt the ship take off and she smiled as she snuck out to find Ahsoka. When she found Ahsoka, she was in a room by herself.

"Soka.... psss... Soka." She whispered with a smile.

Ahsoka's head shot up and she turned to look at her, before jumping up and hugging her.

"We go together." Anya said as she hugged Ahsoka.

"It appears you have snuck past my troopers." A voice said from behind them.

Anya and Ahsoka turned to see Plo and a female Togruta.

"Master Shaak Ti I have a idea about how we can let Anya stay." Plo Koon said with a smile.

"How Master Plo?" She asked confused.

"We make her a clone trooper. It would be a great test for the squad she is put in. That way we can see what a group of clones that have worked with a outsider is like." Plo said softly.

"I see..... I will have her work with clone troopers and then when it is finally time for her to leave I will pick a squad for her." Shaak Ti said with a smile.

"So I don't have to leave my sister?" Anya asked softly.

"No..... but you and her will not see each other for awhile." Shaak Ti said kneeling down to the girls height.

"I can do that as long as I can watch over her." Anya said with a big smile.

"Alright, then you will leave with me to Kamino to train and then given a team that will be like your family." She said taking the girls hand.

"Then let's go." Anya said smiling up at her.

After awhile they landed on a planet and dropped off Ahsoka, who didn't want to let Anya go.

"It will be okay sis, I promise when you become a Jedi I'll be there to fight by your side." Anya said hugging her once more before handing her to Plo.

Anya watched as Ahsoka made it off the platform and the doors shut. She sighed as the ship took off once more and she left for Kamino.

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