"Now talk, and I will be leaving you" he pulled away

Baekhyun's POV

"Now talk, and I will be leaving you" I pulled away and look at crisa but quickly avoid when she look at me and started to leave the classroom

As I now here on the rooftop sitting at the edge while both of my eyes were closed and trying to think of something else in mind



"Yah! What's wrong?"

"Hey! Baek! Come on let's play!"

"Yah! Stop doing that! It's making me laugh so hard!"


And I feel my face burning and I open my eyes, I was now crying

"What's wrong with me?" I sighed as I wipe my tears away

"Why did I remember all of that? I need to move on" I reminded myself


It was time to go home and now my feet was moving on it's own and I was following her right now, when she turn around and saw me, I immediately look at the other direction while I try clear my throat

"Are you following me?" she spoke up

"Me? Of course not!" I deny

She start to walk again but my feet still follows her again. When she quickly turn around and face me, I was startled

"I know you have a lot you want to ask me but can you not ask?" she said to me

"I have nothing to ask, what?" I said to her

"Then why do you keep following me?" she questioned me

"Yah Crisa, I'm not following you. School's over and I'm just going home. Just going home" and I continue to walk to the same direction but then I stop walking and I realized something

"Wait, home is not this way" I said to myself and turn around and walk again

Before I can go further, she start to talk again

"You want me to answer your question right?" I stop and turn to face her

"Hhaaiissshh, no need to answer. I know you love him!" I irritately said

"I didn't mean to play hard on you" she look at me

'I know, don't blame yourself' I thought

"Forget it!" she startled when I suddenly shouted infront of her

I sighed "It's okay, I know I'm just your best friend. Don't worry, I'll always support you" I smiled softly before I walk away

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