The Next Morning *Mature Chapter*

Start from the beginning

A cold rock of dread filled my stomach after that. Now seriously isn't the time for me to lose my head fantasizing over a man that isn't really mine! I'm just his $2 million prize here for a short time. Then, like Cinderella, sent back to reality. Feelings can't play a part in this!

Sometime during my internal freak out and pep-talk, Drake silently entered the room. He had a tray covered in breakfast food between his hands. He came to the edge of the bed and sat the tray beside me on the covers. I was so caught up in my head I never noticed.

Startled when Drake placed his palm under my chin raising my eyes to meet his my brain instantly cleared when are eyes connected. He didn't push me by asking what was wrong, but by the lines on his forehead and tightening around his lips, his body demanded an answer.

I ducked my head quickly in embarrassment as my entire body turns a deep Scarlett color. No way was I telling him I was imagining having his kids and whatever else he asked for. Just to stay by his side forever. Just like any other who saw this man would.

Drake started smiling a devious smile like he knew exactly what I was thinking, but didn't press me any further about it. Drake got on the bed leaning over me with his face directly above mine. His dark gaze held me prisoner not even blinking. Letting him see into every part of my soul like his gaze was demanding. When he found the answers he was looking for he gave me a kiss on the forehead before moving to my swollen and abused lips.

Drakes kiss was not gentle like in any normal good morning kiss. His lips, tongue, and body demanded my all. He wasted no time deepening the kiss. The intense need for his body I thought squashed last night came back brighter than before. My juices coating the folds of my sex instantly.

Drake pulled away first showing no signs of being affected like I was. Same grin on his face as before. Unlike him I'm out of breath and seeing stars.

"Good morning my Angel, how did you sleep?"

'Seriously how did I sleep?' I wonder if he means how am I going to handle my lack of sleep for the rest of the day?

I bury my sarcastic comment instead looking Drake in the eye hoping he believes my white lie. "Best sleep of my life Sir." I couldn't help being a little cheeky with him though.

Drake let out a small chuckle not believing me for a second. "I'm sorry you didn't sleep that well last night, please allow me to make amends with breakfast in bed. How does that sound?"

I gave him a bit of the stink eye and quietly said under my breath. "I bet you are." Before giving him my best smile and a bright "Thank You".

Drake goes to the end of the bed unlocking my ankles from their cuffs. Then he came back to the top of the bed helping me set up with a mound of pillows behind me. When he was satisfied with my position he sat down by my hip bringing the tray closer.

Drake started cutting up different things and slowly feeding me. Just like yesterday. We were both silent through the entire meal. Our eyes locked never breaking from the other. Though the only sound in the room were the utensil scraping against the plate Drakes eyes were saying everything.

All the different ways he wanted to use my mouth, and other things he'd like to push down my throat. Envy of a drop of syrup landing on the top of my breast. To the all-consuming hunger in his gaze toward me after finishing the food. Very erotic in a strange way.

After the last bite had been finished Drake moved the tray to the floor, then got on the bed moving till he was straddling my hips with my arm still cuffed above me. This time when his gaze found mine there was an uncertainty that wasn't there before.

I wasn't sure why he felt that way, but I wanted to stop it instantly. I moved my arms trying to reach for Drake and hugging him when the snap of the metal remind me differently. At least it brought that sly grin back to his face, so I gave my silent permission to laugh at me just this once.

Drake slowly caress my right cheek before blowing out a deep breath and started talking.

"My Sweet Abbey. I have something I'd like to talk with you about. Something I never thought I would ask anyone, because I never thought I'd find someone as perfect as you. From the first time I saw you in the club I knew you were different. I instantly felt something between us that I've never felt with anyone. As you can guess I'm quite possessive of the things that belong to me, and make no mistake love, you belong to me."

His gaze penetrated deeply into my soul marking it with those four words. Drakes next words were whispered along my skin.

"I don't want you to go back to Sinful Delight."

Confusion bloomed across my face. Drake started to smile and caress the curve of my right cheek.

"I want you all to myself. Three weekends of every month, instead of just the one night a month though. You will be mine from 5 PM Friday till noon the following Sunday. The first and last weekend, and the last for me to determine that month depending on my schedule. Either here at my apartment, or wherever I need to be at that time. I'll pay you triple your monthly salary from the club until our agreement comes to an end."

My mind was swirling with all the information Drake just threw on me. I could feel my eyes shifting side to side going over everything trying to process it all. This man I really knew nothing about wanted to spend three weekends out of the month doing all kinds of kinky things to my body. There was absolutely no way to keep my heart from getting in the way, but I also had to be able to start paying Uncle Joe back.

Would this be all Drake wanted from me though? Just the same things from the club, or would he expect more from me since I would basically be his? Would he push me harder than before? Did I really want that? And if yes, for how long? Questions came quicker than I could figure them out.

Drake broke me from my thoughts with a deep humming sound coming from his chest. "Your eyes are like an open book, my Angel. The only answer I can give you right now is to just trust me. Trust this thing between us and every moment we've shared so far. If it will help you say yes will can start small with 6 months, so you can makeup your mind to continue after the start of your next semester or not. Don't forget you can use your safe word at anytime and it all stops."

Could I? Could I give this man something I've never given anyone before in my life, my all-consuming trust? I want to. Man did I ever want that, but something held me back.

Drake went forward and place a gentle kiss to the middle of my forehead. His lip lingered for a moment before pulling back and finishing his speech.

"You don't have to answer right now. Take the weekend to think about it, and call me Friday morning with your answer. I'll be expecting to hear from you no later than 8 AM, understand?"

My gulp was loud in the silent room. I shook my head okay not trusting my voice to speak.

Drake let out a blinding smile at my answer. "Good. Let me give you something else to think about. One more thing to sway your thinking, then I'll let you go. Till then my Sweet Angel, you're my captive and I plan on taking full advantage."

Hours later when Drake finally let me go. Dropping me at my front door with a burning kiss, and shaking legs I could tell I was already screwed. My heart had already made up its mind, while my head was still a mess. One thing was very clear to me though. I missed his touch as soon as he was gone.


Hello my Sinful readers!!!!

My gracious only 3 chapters left!
Now that things have taken a turn in Abbie's crazy but controlled world, what do y'all think the raised cynic will do?

Let me know in the comments!

Thanks everyone for already surpassing all my expectations for this story! I mean it got more than one read YES!!! *fistpump*

© 2018 Copyright by Callie Sumner. All rights reserved.

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