The Next Morning *Mature Chapter*

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***~~~***Mature Chapter***~~~***

The next morning my brain was very slow waking up. Refusing at first protesting the other 7 times I'd been woken up in the middle of the night/morning by Sir. Either a toy in his hands or his rock hard member forms of torture masquerading as pleasure. I still had my eyes closed as I tried to stretch my arms, but found I couldn't move either of them.

Both arms were spread in a v handcuffed to the post at the head of the bed. My legs shackled the same at the end. I couldn't feel Drakes presence anywhere in the room. The sheets cold on both sides of me. I finally pry my eyes open and look around taking everything in.

Last night my mind was to busy to focus on the actual space we were in, but in the morning light the room was stunning. Dark wood floors and sleek modern designs were incorporated throughout. The walls a white almost grey color while the furniture and decor dominated the space. The back wall of the brownstone was covered in floor to ceiling glass.

The room itself was overly clean. No pictures on the walls or sitting on top of furniture. Nor did I see any knickknacks or momentous. An expertly designed space but cold and impersonal all the same.

Once my gaze wondered the entire room several times, and each time finding nothing to occupy my brain from having a small freak out, I turned back to the wall of windows and watched the New Yorkers start their day.

From the third floor bedroom I could see the entire street start to come alive. Drakes house was at the end of his street with the lot behind his empty giving me an unobstructed view of his neighbors. People of every race and age were taking to the street on this Sunday morning.

Nannies bringing their shopping for the week. Business moguls decked out in their power suits leaving for the office like any normal day. Moms with their kids dressed in their Sunday best on there way to Sunday Morning Service. All completely unaware of the naked handcuffed woman spying on them from above.

I started to make up a life story for each person that passed to help me pass the time. Like a group of old men sitting outside playing chess were really retired gangsters keeping an eye on the block. The grandmother holding her young granddaughter's hand as they walked, were on their first ice cream adventure. The young parents about my age with their are two small children exploring New York for the first time.
I watched the little boy and girl running in the grassy part of the park across the street for awhile. The little girl was no older than six, and the cutest thing I've ever seen. She had on a red dress with white polkadots and shoes with a small heel to match. Her hair was dark brown like mine, and fell in perfect ringlets down her back.

Her brother, that must have been a few years older, looked just as smart in a little black suit, black shirt, and matching red and white bowtie. His small loafers even matched his sisters. Both children looked like they came straight from the runway.

If I were to ever have kids one day I always assumed I'd be that type of mom. Making sure my kids want for nothing and have nothing but the best. Making them into mini successful, well put-together, overachievers just like myself.

The little girl ran into the arms of the man not far from where they were playing. The man caught the little girl with one arm while keeping the other wrapped around an older version of the little girl. The man who must have been her dad tucked her under his chin then placed a kiss on her forehead.

Even though the man from my view had a similar build to Drake, and the same dark locks. I didn't understand why my mind saw the man as him, and the little girl in his arms as a spitting image of me. The woman next to him turned giving him a loving smile. In my mind it was me looking lovingly at Drake.

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