His woman.

"Speaking of the devil...here come the girlfriends now," Major spoke, breaking the quietude that consumed them. Just as soon as he said that Promise sauntered into his view. Zayne's eyes glided over her and began to drink her all in. She wore her usually unruly golden curls in a bun atop her head. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, hinting at a light blush, probably a result of him being all over her just a couple hours prior. She donned a simple t-shirt and a pair of hot pink Nike workout shorts. She focused in on their son as he ran towards her and wrapped himself around her legs. She smiled down at him lovingly and Zayne took that as his cue to divert his stare. He knew everyone was just watching the two of them, waiting to see what they were going to do.

Ashley, Brian's girlfriend, nudged his side, "What up ese?" He purposely jumped at her which resulted in her laughing. She knew how he couldn't stand for her to tease him about that part of his heritage. She quickly ran away from him and wrapped her arms around Brian's waist. "Keep on!"Zayne teased her, slightly mushing her forehead with his finger. She swatted him away playfully before turning and giving all of her attention to her boyfriend. He smirked a bit before reaching downwards and mushing Nikita's forehead as well. She lunged at him and quickly slapped him in his arm. "Well damn."Zayne chortled, rubbing at the stinging sensation. She laughed with a roll of her brown eyes, "That's what your ass gets."

"I swear you hit like a dude though Kita."Zayne implied, moving to flick her again. She moved away quickly and attempted to hit him in the same spot. He wasn't quick enough to dodge her attack so her hand made contact with his arm once more. "What are you over here doing?" Promise's voice sounded muffled as she nestled her face into the crook of his back. His skin instantly grew hotter at the feel of her pressed up against his frame. She allowed her fingers to dance up and down his abs before slowly sliding her hands down to his waist and holding him there.

Suddenly no one else mattered.

He couldn't see anyone else.

Zayne gripped her hands in his and pulled her around so that she was facing him. Her heart-shaped lips were smiling and so were her eyes. She quirked an eyebrow, obviously awaiting his answer. "Nothing babe."He muttered quietly, a grin present on his face too. He rubbed his thumb over her cheek and then along her jawline."Mhm. Doesn't look like just nothing Zayne."She said his name as though she were looking for something more than just to be in his arms. It turned him on. He knew his stare faltered a bit as he leaned down to capture her lips with his. She quickly reacted to the feel of his mouth against hers, matching his greedy movements. He rubbed his lips softly over hers before reluctantly pulling himself away from her mouth. He was addicted to those lips and he knew if he didn't stop then their friends would get another show. She surprised him when she leaned upwards and pecked his lips two more times.

Zayne couldn't do anything but smile at her. She was evidently enticed with his lips as well. Neither of them could get enough of one another. He figured it was just the honeymoon stage because everything was new – everything except the love they had for one another. "Shit, this is too much...I really need you to get away from me, "Zayne mumbled, his lips coated with a devious smirk. Promise looked surprised before she caught onto what he was getting at. Her cheeks seemed to grow darker at that moment. "Tried. Never works."She replied. Zayne pulled her closer to him and held her waist that much tighter, "Apparently you're not trying hard enough hermosa."

"If you really meant that you'd have let me go by now."

"If you would just keep your distance then I wouldn't be tempted to be all over you."

Promise giggled with a shake of her head, "Sure just blame it all on me." He chuckled along with her and loosened his grip although he still hadn't let her go yet. It wasn't until they heard Nikita clearing her throat did they even think to pay attention to their surroundings again. Their friends were indeed watching them with knowing smiles."Since y'all can't seem to separate yourselves. I'll do it for you."Nikita pried the two of them apart, moving to stand in front of Promise. Zayne furrowed an eyebrow and folded his arms across his chest. They couldn't contain their laughter. There was nothing that could keep him away from Promise. They were like magnets and the connection that they shared was stronger than ever now – almost like a gravitational pull. There was no way that either of them could continue fighting it. It wasn't even a battle worth pursuing anymore. "All that damn flirting. I wasn't sure how much more I could take."Major fussed jovially, dribbling a basketball in his hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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