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Zayne stared up at the ceiling of his bedroom as he laid with his back pressed comfortably along his king size bed. He sighed lowly as he allowed the events from last night to play redundantly in his mind. The slight smirk that housed his full lips was prominent. He could still make out every sound – every moan, every motion – that they'd made together. He wouldn't believe it if he wasn't one of the two participants. He almost didn't know what to do with himself. He chuckled under his breath with a shake of his head.

It was the sound of his friend's laughter that made him toss his arm loosely over his orbs, sheathing them away from their Cheshire Cat grins. He knew they were about to get heavy on his case about what happened between him and Promise. After all, he didn't bother to come home or make anything known to them last night. It's not like he had to because he was sure they already knew what it was. He didn't try to hide it at all. "So, when are you gonna tell us what went down?"Major questioned, his voice laced with an obvious grin.

Zayne sighed, smirking himself, as he pushed his body up – seating himself upright. The overpowering aftermath of his Burberry shower gel seemed to follow him as it flared up towards his nose. His smile grew bigger as he finally pulled his arm away from his eyes and glanced at his brothers. Major had pulled out the chair at his desk and taken a seat there. Brian seated himself on the sill of his window, his feet barely touching the carpet from the way the window almost swallowed him. "Damn, y'all really gathering in my room like two females, waiting to get your daily dose of gossip?"

He pulled at the gray sweatpants he was wearing, tightening them around his waist. The room grew quiet and it made him look up to make sure they were still there. "Well, I already know what happened Major. I came to get this man from Promises' house and he was just smiling. He smiled the entire ride. Didn't say a word. Just smiled."Brian announced, leaning back further on the window with a knowing look on his face. Major started to laugh again,"Really? Damn. And he's still grinning is what gets me." Zayne waved them both off as he quickly tried to school his features. His happiness was obvious to anyone peering at his visage.

"I'm not about to give y'all a play by play of what happened. That stays between me and her. Y'all fools need to worry about yourselves and stop dwelling on me and mine," He answered. Both Brian and Major looked taken aback at that. Zayne furrowed an eyebrow as he allowed his tongue to snake over his lips. He almost wondered what he'd said that made them look so bewildered. He knew it wouldn't be long before they revealed it. "Oh, so she's yours now, huh? What did she do to you last night? Bet she gave your ass that Nyquil..."Brian taunted.

"The question is, what didn't I do to her last night? Cause she damn sure passed out before I did..."

His mouth seemed to have a mind of its own as the words spewed from his lips without his consent. The men all broke out into an uproarious state of laughter at that. He pushed his body up to the pile of pillows that were sitting near the head of his bed. He propelled a couple of them down on the floor and placed his body there instead. "I knew it, but what's more surprising now is the fact that you seem to want a title now," Major said after his chortling subsided some. Brian nodded in agreement with him.

Zayne began to pull at his modest facial hair as his eyes glided over the clean white t-shirt he was clad in. Could his friends be on to something? Was he really ready for a commitment to just one woman? Solo. That was a huge step for someone with his past, but that's just it. It had become his past. "You think she'll want a title? I've heard that it complicates things,"He rattled off, his green orbs still looking elsewhere but the two men in his room.

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