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Zayne sat motionless perched on the bleachers with his head back and his eyes closed. He'd completely drowned out his surroundings, choosing to relish in his nonexistent thoughts. He pressed his elbows into the sleek surface as he allowed a small sigh to pass his lips. He felt at ease, no tension present at all in his demeanor. "Daddy!"His son's voice suddenly pierced his ears. His eyes flew open at the sound of his tiny voice. His son's smiling face quickly came into view, which made his expression mirror his. Zayvion was standing in the middle of the basketball court with a ball in his hands. "Daddy look!"He exclaimed excitedly as though his father weren't already watching him.

Zayne nodded his head at him, "I see you, "He chuckled, "Shoot the ball son." Zayvion's cheeks caved in to reveal his identical dimples. He obeyed his father's command and tried shooting the ball into the net that towered above his head. "Brick!"Major suddenly shouted, easing up behind the toddler and startling him. The small pout on his face mirrored his father's as he quickly chased after Major for purposely scaring him. Zayne began to shake his head at the two before casting his gaze elsewhere. Today had been one of their annual basketball games and they had already played a long game of twenty-one. They'd chosen to take a small intermission before starting up another game later on.

Brian sauntered into the gym with his Nike bag pulled over his shoulder and a water bottle in his free hand. He leaned down and pulled Zayne into one of their usual handshakes. "What's up?"Brian questioned coolly. He moved to the right of Zayne and sat his bag on the floor. He jogged up the bleachers before deciding to sit on the third one. "I'm good," Zayne answered, his eyes trailing over his son who had chosen to occupy himself with another ball. Major trudged over wearing his infamous smirk as he joined the two, seating himself next to Zayne. "Yeah, we all know you're good."There was a hint of laughter in Brian's voice. Zayne already knew they were going to get on his case as they usually did. He didn't care though. He was in too good of a mood to let it phase him.

"You want me to tell you how we know you're really good, bro?"Major queried, his eyes boring into his side profile. Zayne couldn't help it when his lips suddenly contorted into a grin. He knew they were about to bring up what had taken place only just last night. "Go ahead."Zayne shrugged nonchalantly. He then leaned forward and retrieved his half-empty water bottle that had been sitting in between his feet. He quickly turned the bottle up and began to leak the contents into his mouth. "I wondered why everyone was gathered around the stairs when I got home yesterday," Brian said, which in turn made Zayne turn and take a quick glance at him. His face held a suggestive smirk. "Hell yeah, I wondered too so being the curious person I am, I walked up the stairs and all I hear is this girl screaming like God himself just condemned her to hell or something," Major announced, his small bouts of laughter making itself known.

Zayne quickly swiveled the top back onto his water and began to chuckle underneath his breath. He didn't know they were that loud. He sat the bottle down with his laughter still surging through his frame. He made no moves to speak because there was nothing to say about it. "I'm just standing there like get it my nigga! I couldn't do nothing, but stand there and laugh my ass off."Brian began to shake his head with chortles spilling past his lips. Major tossed a loose arm over Zayne's shoulders, "No one had to see it to know what was going on behind your door though. I damn near called one of my girls up after witnessing that." Zayne laughed and shrugged his arm off of his shoulder. His ego just grew a little more after hearing his friends revelations. "I mean what can I say? She's a screamer."He shrugged again with a devious grin forming on his full lips. He wouldn't have minded reliving the previous night over again.

Brian and Major both began to laugh even harder at that. He was sure the look on his face was easy to read because they only seemed to get that much louder. Zayne began to shake his head before reclaiming his normal height. He was just stretching his arms when his ears picked up on the echo of a familiar sultry voice. He watched the entrance of the gym looking for that beautiful face. He hadn't even seen her yet, but it was just the sound of her voice that had him already on edge.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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