A Man's Public Announcement

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Men have never been too openly honest with women. Why? Because we can't be. There are very few of us who will reveal our faults. I'm apart of that very small percentile. I'll proudly admit my status in the world that is male and female.

I am a dawg.

Are you intrigued yet? Have I piqued your interest enough so that you want to TRY to disfigure my mind? You wouldn't be the first to ever want to do such a thing. I'm just that interesting. Cocky? No. I'm very aware of my confidence. I suggest you become familiar with it too.

I'm sure you, whom, has decided to read this is more than likely a woman. Would you like to know why I take such pride in being referred to as a dawg? I'll gladly tell you. Because ain't no other way to be. My father raised me that way, and I'll be damned if it wasn't the best life lesson he ever gave me.

My father told me never to trust a woman, because she'd often use the "prize" between her legs to suck the life out of you and take you for everything you have. I believed him. I didn't need to experience "love". The stories that he shared with me were more than enough.

As this point, I'm sure you've began to frown. Don't start judging me yet. You've barely tapped the surface of my mindset.

Don't get me wrong I love the hell out of women. I crave everything about you all - from the curves of your voluptuous bodies to the faces and sounds you make during sex. All of you are like a drug to me, and not one has ever been able to quench my thirst for a woman's beauty.

I am poisonous.

I cloud your mind, your eyes, your mouth —your whole body. I openly blind you. Still, you fall for me. Why continue to be falsely enraptured? I am a dawg. I tell you not to fall in love with me, but you do. I say don't come back, but you want more — feign. You start fantasizing about a life with me, its nonexistent.

I don't believe in relationships.

I do believe in rela-SEX-ships.

Re•la•sex•ship;(ri-ley-seks-ship) noun. A relationship in which one only participates in the act of intercourse with one another; an affair.

I have a couple of those with various women from time to time. Am I to be automatically categorized as a male hoe? Yes? Well that's your damn opinion. I'm a dawg, a womanizer, if you will.

Let me define that for you as well...

Wom•an•iz•er;(woo m-uh-nahy-zer) noun. A philanderer. To participate in the act of sex or flirting with a woman one cannot or will not marry. Mistaken for a man who loves.

Now that you know of my reputation, your interest remains unwavering. I don't know what it is. It is my physical features that allow me to lure all women, including yourself, to me? Could it be my light green eyes that do nothing but taunt the one who dares to stare into them?

Is it my smooth sun hued skin and full always ready for tasting lips? Could it be my seemingly cocky yet charming demeanor that excites women? I have the ability to make women strongly dislike me but still yearn for me all in the same sense.

Don't you feel the sensation of you not wanting to like me surging through you?

I thought so.

I'm not trying to read your mind. It's just what comes with the territory of being a man like myself. So ladies, I ask you this, why do you let men of my caliber get into your minds... bodies... souls?

We're usually the men that you knowingly run into the arms of. You overlook the genuinely good ones. Why is that you can never see men for who we really are? Is the wool that thick or are you really without your womanly intuition? Open those beautiful eyes, open them wide.

Don't be blind.

I, of course, am not here to blindfold you. As I've said I'm apart of the small portion that'll tell you what MOST men are about. I believe in telling you what it is from the start. I'll only get as far as you let me.

I'll only openly dawg those women out who shamelessly make fools of themselves publicly.

You know the type.

They're usually walking around claiming a man that's not rightfully theirs or anyone else's for that matter. Why let someone make a fool out of you? You must play the game correctly if you're going to play it. Be smart, choose your opponent carefully. After all, the saying pussy is power is rightfully true.

However, I say dick holds it's fair share of influence as well.

Think about it.

Linger on that for a lil' bit...

We would be here all day if I chose to keep elaborating on what it is to be me — a womanizer. I'll allow my story to speak for itself. You may not like me much now, but I can almost guarantee you'll feel something else in the end.

Zayne Sanchez


Hm, this is gonna be fun! Oh yeah, in this story we're all gonna pretend Chris's character has green eyes because that's how I imagine him in this. Okay? Cool!

Vote, comment, & share please!

-Nikki 💙

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