Team work ?

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Essie's POV:
How do I tell her, she'll never believe me. Not now Roxanna is dead and can't back it up. I need some sort of proof.
That's going to have to wait, time for work. Since starting back on Keller everyone has been mollycoddling me. 'Essie come take a break.' 'Essie don't worry about that I'll do it.' Honestly now I know what I do, I need to just crack on or I'll snap.
I walked to the staff room but stopped when I heard Meena and Zavier talking. Something seemed off.
"Zav, what do I do now. I know something was going on that wasn't right. But now Rox is dead I'll never know exactly. How do I stop him."
Shit she knows something! I have to talk to her. Maybe together we can take him down and help save Jac before it's too late.

Meena's POV:
I wonder if Essie heard that. I saw her poke her head round the door before hiding. She knows something. I need to find her.

Essie's POV:
As the day trudged along I kept hoping I'd have a free minute to find Meena. I finally found her sitting in Roxanna's office.
"Meena can I have a word?" Announcing myself at the door surprising her slightly.
"Sure, what about?" She sniffled, she'd obviously been crying.
"It's about Gaskell and the trial. You know something was up, as do I. Do you have any proof?"
There I put all my cards on the table, no time to waste.
"That's why I'm here actually. Rox left me two voice messages before the accident. The first just said 'I need to talk to you.' But the second was more confusing. It said 'the code to my desk draw is 1975, it has all the evidence you need. Be careful.' I haven't build the courage to open the draw yet." She sounded concerned for her safety. Concerned on what Gaskell could do.
"Me and you, if we team up we could bring him and the trial down, for Roxanna?" Sounding confident that they will prevail.
"Something needs to happen. Let's do it. But we need to be careful. Rox warned us but now we know what he is capable of we need to watch our backs."
Meena then put the code in opening the desk draw.
Inside was what must have been weeks of investigating. Folders on the trial patients, altered results, patients from other countries neither of the were aware of. Plus the biggest blow, the cover up of Lazlo when Roxanna discovered he never had motor neurone disease after all. I was shocked but not surprised. Something felt wrong from the get go. Now we had our proof.
"There is something we have to do. Tell Jac. Her life is in serious danger if she doesn't get this implant removed."
Jac needed cold hard facts to even consider believing them.

Jac's POV:
Did that really just happen. Did Fletch actually kiss me. I sat in my office still smiling to myself, mountains of paperwork around me but nothing could bring me off this high. I suddenly heard a knock at the door. Back for more already?
"Come in?" Expecting Fletch to walk through, seeing Essie followed by a weeping FY1, Meena I think.
"Jac we need to tell you something. You may not believe us but we have proof."

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