Track 16

440 29 7

Do you remember? 

How you were the first to give me those 3 words. 

"...something you have learned out of this camp." The teacher stated, handing out pieces of paper. 

I clasped the sheet of blank paper in my hands, pondering hard about the past 2 weeks. 

Some were scribing furiously. Others, like me, were aimlessly twirling the pen in their hand. 

I glanced over at you, watching you neatly fold up the paper before guarding it in the pockets of your blue jeans. A small smile made its way across your rosy lips. 

"You now have an hour of free time before curfew."  


The evening breeze swiftly slipped past my cheek, leaving behind the ocean's salty touch at my lips.

With the light air tenderly gliding through my fingertips, I took in a heavenly breath, capturing the cool wind as it gently swept past the hem of my dress. 

The sound of distant waves coursed through my eardrums, having me gaze out to observe their smooth ascent upon the fine sand before slowly ebbing back into the ocean. Ever so often, the evening light cheekily bounced off the surface of the water as if playing a game of tag. 

I halted in my slow walk, sensing the silky golden sand effortlessly envelop my toes. 

At that moment, you came into the picture. 

You halted in your footsteps. 

Those glittering eyes of yours beamed against the shimmering rose gold sky. Your swept up silky hair shivered in the breeze, quivering slightly over your dark brows. 

I saw your glistening lips purse into a thin line.  

Your hand gradually moved to the pockets of your jeans. 

You took out a neatly folded rectangular piece of paper. 

For the first time, I saw you nervous. 

As your fingers gracefully traced along the edges, your tongue slipped out, swiping across your bottom lip anxiously. 

Your gaze locked with mine. 

I heard the crisp crumbling of paper as you unfolded it. 

I heard the soothing lullaby of the ocean. 

I heard my ringing heartbeat. 

In your hands, you gave me three words. 

"I love you" 

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