Chapter 53: Lies and Bets

Start from the beginning

"You sure? I don't want you thinking you're just another woman I've brought out here."

"Honestly at first I was a little upset, but I have no reason to be. We both had relationships before well 'us' and it shouldn't matter who you brought here before. You're with me now right?"

I think about what she said. She must have thought me having brought other women here made me bringing her here less special. And it isn't. I didn't give a shit about those girls.

"I didn't bring any other women here." The words slip out of my mouth before I have time to stop them. Fuck! What the bloody hell did I say that for?!

"You didn't?"

I can hear the hopefulness in her voice and it kills me. I can't tell her I just flat out lied to her. That would make this a million times worse.

"No." I answer.

"Then why would Ed say that?"

"He was just joking... giving me a hard time." I continue my lie.

"Oh. Okay. Well I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little relieved." She chuckles as she takes my hands.

We fall back into silence, watching the sun come up fully. It really is beautiful but all I can think about is what a bastard I am for lying to her.

"What time do we have to be on the plane?" Ava asks.

"Ummm, I need to be back for Soundcheck at four, so probably a little before two."

"Oh good, then we can go back to bed for awhile?"

"Yes, please!" I say, getting up.

I offer her my hand and pull her up onto her feet. I can't help myself as I lean down and give her a soft kiss. She smiles at me while I take her hand and lead her back to the house.

Once we're back in our room, I slip my pants off and crawl back into bed as Ava does the same. She moves towards me and rests her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her. I can't think of anything better than lying in bed with her. Well, not anything, but the other involves being in a bed as well. I quickly fall back asleep with a smile on my face.

Nine hours later, after getting more rest, grabbing a bite with Ed, and a short flight we are pulling up to the venue; making it just in time for Soundcheck. We hurry inside and I'm immediately rushed to the stage, leaving Ava to find Lou in one of the dressing rooms.

Meeting the lads right outside the stage door, they all act as if they haven't seen me in months.

"Who's this chap?! I thought we were down to four now." Liam points at me as I walk up.

"Ah, he looks bit familiar but I can't remember his name." Zayn smiles at me.

"I remember it! It's 'I'm to fancy to ride on the bus so I'll just take the jet." Niall laughs.

"Haha fellas. Glad to know I was missed."

"Really Haz do you any idea what this means for the rest of us? Our birds are going to expect us to whisk them away for beach holidays now." Louie whines.

"Maybe you should. Might make proper boyfriends out of you."

"So you're official now?" Niall raises an eyebrow at me.

"Not quite... but we're getting there."

Niall groans and pulls 20 quid out of his pocket, handing it to Zayn and Louie who laugh. Liam does the same.

"Really? My own mates placing bets on my relationship?" I shake my head, trying not to smile.

"Oh this has been going on for a good bit now." Louie smiles, counting his money.

"Did you at least finally kiss her? A good proper kiss?" Liam asks.

I don't answer, but I can't stop the smirk that takes over my face at the thought of yesterday's beach activities.

"Yes!" Niall yells, happily taking half his money back from Louie and Zayn.

"Mates, that's low, even for you lads." I laugh. So typical of them.

Paul comes around the corner, telling us to get our arses onstage now. We quickly comply, all running up the stairs and onto the stage, receiving many screams as we walk out.

Niall takes the lead, saying hello and letting the crowd know the Soundcheck set list.

I look up to the side, hoping to find Ava and Lou watching us. I smile widely as I find them, both waving to me.

I wave back and stick out my tongue, earning a finger from Lou and a laugh from Ava.

I usually love Soundcheck, but today I can't wait till it's over. I already miss her, even though she's bloody sitting right there and I was with her not ten minutes ago.

I'm in deep. And I can only hope she's right there with me.


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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