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( aw little rosalia ❤, such a beautiful girl )

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( aw little rosalia ❤, such a beautiful girl )

you suck charlie - joji

The last couple of weeks were confusing for the group. Everytime Keanu would make the stop to Rosalia's house, she'd already be gone or she'd blatantly ignore them.

This made Corey's heart, break.

She promised, she promised she wouldn't do this. Piper noticed Corey's discomfort, so he hugged him immediately. The unlikely pair had grown extremely fond for one another, they barely fought anymore.

What's even worse is, Leonardo started distancing himself from the group aswell. However, Lisa was a positive influence on him. She educated him on African American culture, and often took him to museums and festivals.

Ever since Martha returned, River had been acting weird towards Anna. As we all know, Anna Lopez hates discomfort, especially if it involves the one she cares deeply for. However, she never questioned it, as long as he acted like a boyfriend, she was fine.

that was her first mistake

"Keanu, she's not coming out!" Corey said to Keanu who parked his car on her driveway. "I agree with Corey, Keanu we can't be late" River said.

Keanu couldn't take this anymore, he needed her, her comfort, her smile, her voice. It was killing him, and what was even worse is the fact that Corey had no idea.

"Fine" Keanu said, reversing his car. He took a deep breath and looked at her house again. "I can't believe we lost Rosalia as a friend" Piper said. "We didn't lose her, we can never lose her" Corey said. "She's being manipulated, I saw her sitting in a booth with Christina, Jonathan, and Johnny, I waved to her and she ignored me, then Christina smirked at me" River said making Keanu look back at him.

"They're corrupting her, we have to win her back" Keanu said passionately, earning a mysterious gaze from Corey and Piper.

"I agree, I can't see Rosie fitting into that type of crowd, she needs us" Anna said making River smile and nod. Seeing Anna passionate about saving her friend made River gain more and more admiration for her.

"Lets do it?" Piper said, directing her gaze ar everyone.


here for you - am

As Rosalia stepped out of Johnny's car, she took a deep breath and looked at the sky.

Lord give me strength for these people at school!

She was suddenly broken our her thoughts when Johnny take his hand in hers and they started to walk. As they were walking, she stopped her old gang. Oh how she missed them, she looked at them and gave them to look of sympathy.

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