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miami, florida
august 27th, 1989
anna lopez's room

miami, floridaaugust 27th, 1989anna lopez's room

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in your arms - sunbeam sound machine ♫

It was an early sunday morning when the Lopez siblings were already picking out things for the first day of school tomorrow. "Corey, what barettes should I wear? The pink ones or the blue ones?" Anna asked her older brother. Corey Lopez was looking out the bay window eating a bag full of chips completely ignoring Anna's question.
"Hey look if you aren't going to help me out, then you should just get out" Annalise said, crossing her arms.
Corey turned to his sister with a glare and ate another chip.
"Blue, that's always been your color" he responded sitting up and going to the record player.
"Don't touch that twerp" Anna hissed at her brother, smacking his arm.
"Ouch!" Corey exclaimed, hitting her back. Then it started turning into an actual fist fight which seemed to happen every time Corey stays in Anna's room.
"Stop it!" Mr. Lopez says, coming into the room with Ms. Lopez following him. "Niños.." Ms. Lopez said sternly making her two kids let out exaggerated sighs and face each other.
"I'm apologize" they said in unison before turning back to their parents.
"Perfect" Mr. Lopez says as he walks out with Ms. Lopez.

"So Anna, we should totally hang out with that foreign exchange student, Rosalia." Corey says flopping onto his little sisters bed making her glare at him for messing a perfectly made bed.
"Why?" Anna asked curiously. She had no problem adding another person to her friend group, but Corey has been talking about this Rosalia girl for a few days and school hasn't even started.
"Make her feel comfortable" Corey said way too quickly making Anna raise an eyebrow. "You know.. So she doesn't feel left out on the first day" Corey struggled to say.
"Fine, lets go to her house next door right now" Anna suggested clapping her hands. "W-what? Now?" Corey said standing up and trying to fix his hair making his sister laugh. "Come on dork" Anna said pulling her brother out the door.

the less i know the better - tame impala

*knock knock knock*

The door opened to a very beautiful girl. She had bright blue eyes, dark raven hair, and dimples to compliment her signature smile. "Hello, may I help you?" She said with a strong Italian accent. Corey couldn't say a word as he was stuck in shock by her beauty, but snapped out of it when his sister hit his ribs.
"Uh hi, Rosalia right?" Corey said trying to redeemed himself.
"Yes! and you are?" She responded still smiling.
"I'm Corey Lopez and this is my little sister Anna. We heard you transferred to our school, we wanted to see if you wanted to be friends, you know so you won't be lonely on the first day" Corey explained trying to to mess up his words. Rosalia let out a giggle at clapped her hands together, she was flattered.
"I'd love to, that's so nice of you" Rosalia said automatically hugging the two siblings. Anna was completely caught off guard and as for Corey, he savored the moment until she pulled away.
"Well, tomorrow is the first day and seeing that you are a Junior, you're with me and my friend Piper" Anna remarked. Corey rolled his eyes at the taught of Piper, as those two acted even more like siblings than him and Anna.
"That's wonderful! I'll see you two tomorrow then" Rosalia said closing the door. Corey let out a little dance after she closed the door making Anna burst out laughing.
"Nailed it" Corey sung. "Yeah whatever dude" Anna said leaving him. "Hey! Wait for me!" Corey said running to catch up with her.

sadderdaze - the neighborhood

The group sat in a circle in the basement. Keanu, River, Corey, Anna, then Piper all talked about their summers and expectations for the school year. They've been a tight group of friends since elementary school. Since this was Keanu's, River's, and Corey's last year with Anna and Piper, they planned to make it the best and special.
"Tomorrow is our last first day guys" River cheered as he spoke to Keanu and Corey. "Never thought would make it this far in highschool man, always thought I would drop out" Keanu said leaning back to stare at the ceiling.
"Yeah I thought so too about you" Piper commented making Keanu flip her off and Anna to laugh. "Guys, are you excited? I mean have you even chosen a college yet" Anna said curiously. River just laughed that Anna's enthusiasm.
"Not really sure, I want to leave Florida though, staying down here for far too long makes you go physco" River said standing up to get a popsicle. "Yeah man, I think Johnny is going crazy" Corey said pointing to his head.
"Depp?" Piper asked while she played with her braids, making Corey nod frantically. "Yeah, don't know how Winona puts up with him, he's hot though" Anna said shrugging.
"Really?" River rolled his eyes at Anna. "What? I'm not lying!" Anna said.
"Anyways the point is, there's so much more than limiting myself to Florida. Maybe California, you know I want to be an actor" River said happily.
"Yeah good luck with that, all hollywood needs is another Caucasian blonde haired blue eyed heartthrob" Anna said rolling her eyes. River smirked and blushed at the girl.
"You think I'd be a heartthrob?" He said lowly making Anna flustered and Keanu whistling and smirking. She got even more flustered and shoved River's popsicle to his mouth even more making him choke.
"Eat your popsicle" Anna said crossing her arms.
"What about you Keanu? Thinking about leaving Florida and becoming a famous actor?" Piper said leaning forward. Keanu sat up and took a deep breath and put a hand over his heart.
"No", he responded lying back down. "What? Why not you're so dramatic" Corey joked making Keanu flip him off. "I'm not actor material, I am gonna be a bomb director though. When River becomes a star and I get the chance to direct a film he's starring him. It's like an even better way to boss little blonde boy around" Keanu joked and fluffing River's hair.
Clearly River wasn't having it and punched Keanu's arm.
"Oh forgot to tell you guys, there's a new addition to the group!" Anna said clapping her hands together.
"You're pregnant?" Piper asked confused and making Anna glare at her. "No! Corey decided to add that foreign exchange student Rosalia to the group so she wouldn't feel left out at Real Jane" Anna explained.
"Heidi? She's hot nice work man!" Keanu said high fiving Corey. "Heidi" Piper asked.
"Her middle name" Keanu responded smirking. "Dude how did you figure out her middle name?" River asked Keanu suspiciously.
"Hey! A man never reveals his secrets" Keanu boasted. "Yeah I could see Keanu in a couple years stalking someone" Corey joked.
"I would rebut against that, but I see it too" Keanu nodded. "Anyways, we have to give Rosalia a great first impression of us and when I mean us I mean you three horsemen of the apocalypse" Piper said motioning her finger towards River, Keanu, and Corey. "I agree, no being weird you almost scared Piper off when she joined the group in fifth grade Keanu" Anna said. "All I said was she had nice legs!" Keanu said offended. River just rolled his eyes and played with the wodden popsicle stick. "I'm a gentleman, no need to worry about me" River said smiling at Anna. "Yeah you're a great person, I just mean Joaquin he's a little pervert, don't bring him places" Anna said pinching River's cheeks. "Noted" He said.
"This year is gonna be the best! Let make Real Jane our school!" Corey cheered. "I agree, although me, Anna, and Rosalia have one grade left, we will be sure to follow in the footsteps" Piper said. "Make papa bear proud" Keanu remarked smacking Piper's thigh. "Ow" She responded by mushing his face and Corey joining in which Anna rolled her eyes at and turned to River. "It seems like we are the only normal ones" She said. River nodded and smiled at her. "Yeah princess, a special kind a normal" River said and she laughed.

let's make this year ours, be best friends till the end.

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