Evil Strikes

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Few weeks later.
Kanan pov.
The search for Ezra has Gone Cold. I haven't had any Leds on where the Empire has taken him. I just hope they hadn't turned him.

Somewhere in the galaxy.
Dark Ezra pov.
I walk into my Masters Bedroom for My Next Assignment. I kneel down before her. Master. I said. Rise my Apprentice/Lover. She said. I rise and she gave me My Next Orders. You will head to this Planet. The Rebellion has send Rebels there to Stables a Base. I need you to go killed the Rebel Soldiers for me and you'll Receive your Reward from me. Yes My Master. Good. She walk up to me and kiss me. I'll see you later. Yes Master. I said and walk out.

A hour later
I came out of Hyperspace over a Planet. I landed my ship and was meet with the Rebels. Commander Bridger. We thought you were dead. One of them said. No I'm not. I survive but do you What Happens Next? I ask. No Sir what? You're the one who will Die next. I activated my Lightsaber and Strike the Rebel. Hahahaha whose next?

They pulled out Their Weapons and started Firing. I ran to them while Deflecting Their Shots. I strike one then another. One by one they all fall. Some ran into the base and close the Doors. Do they really think that will stop me. I walk to the door put my Lightsaber through and started cutting a hole.

After a Minute of cutting. I made it through and walk in. It was Dark in the Hallway. The Rebels are trying to Ambush me by Turning off the Lights. It won't work because I can feel them all around me. The lights turned on and they came out of Hiding. FIRE!!! One of them yelled. Luckily my lightsaber is Double Bladed.

I started spinning it around. Deflecting every Shot back at the Rebels. They all drop down Dead. I made my way to the Comman Center. I figure they lock it. So I cut it open. I went in and Killed Every Rebel Inside. Before I contact my Master I need to see if There are anymore left. I said to myself and left.

30 minutes later.
I walk out the base and contact my Master. Master. I said. Is it finish? She ask. Yes. All the Rebels are Dead. Very good Ezra. Now Return Home to Receive your Reward. Yes Master. I said and ended the transmission. I walk back to my Ship and Took off.

The Rebel Fleet
Hera pov.
I was talking to The Crew when Ahsoka came in. What's wrong Ahsoka? Kanan ask. We lost contact with the Rebels on Titan. Commander Sato wants us to go check it out. Ahsoka said. Well let's get going. Zeb said. We went into the cockpit of The Ghost and took off.

5 minutes later.
Kanan pov.
We reach the Planet and Landed on the Surface. When we got out. We couldn't believe what we saw. There were Bodies Everywhere. All of them Dead. We look at the Bodies and believe someone did this. I look at one saw a Big Slashe Across The Chest. I look at the Others and Theirs were all the same.

KANAN COME LOOK AT THIS!!! Ahsoka yelled. I ran to her and saw a Big Hole in the Door. This was made by Lightsaber. Ahsoka said. So an Inquisitor was here. I said. Yes let's keep looking Inside for Survivors. We went in and saw more Bodies. We check them and they were Dead too. These Rebels weren't killed by a Lightsaber like the ones outside.

They were Shot. I Agree Kanan. The Inquisitor Deflected the Shots Back at the Rebels. Then he must have went on to the Comman Center. We walk to the Comman Center and saw another hole. We walk Inside and saw the more Bodies. Same as the Ones Outside. Let's check the Cameras. We check the Cameras and a Person in Black Robes with a Hood Covering his face.

Well we now it was An Inquisitor who did this. I said. Yes we must Inform Commander Sato of what has happened here. Ahsoka said. Let me guess. We're going to have to Meditate on this right? Yep. I was afraid you would say that. I said and we left.

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