Died Hair

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Rain's hand froze as if shot. 

Hair bristling, he slowly brought it down to the counter top, promptly ignoring the remaining plates, knife and rolling pin in order to suck in a short, inaudible breath. "Happy thoughts, happy thoughts." Cold, long-nailed fingers tapped the stone for a moment before the brunet regained his bearings and picked up another plate. 

Edward didn't seem to notice the unease. "I thought it wasn't acceptable-"

Back straightening, the icy eyes narrowed over Rain's shoulder simultaneously.

"Keep your mouth shut, Blondie."

Greed gritted his teeth. " Why you disrespectful-"

He never finished his words; Rain gracefully whipped on his heels to address Greed with a plate to his throat, gaze suddenly scorching cold. 

"Says the man who held me by the throat." 

The older gulped, paralyzed ; the male before him seemed to have suddenly aged by fifty years, pale face filled with torments of ages past and a promise for blood. 

"Don't mess with me and you might get what you came for."

The plate left the pulsing skin and for a moment, Greed wondered if this boy really was just 20. Then, regaining his facade, Greed demanded:

"Then make yourself useful and answer this; do you know Kota?"  

"Yes, I knew Kota once. That was ages ago. What about you? How should I know to trust you? Hmmm? I promised to keep quiet, especially around a humunculus. You might be Envy for all I know."

Edd snickered. "Him? Envy? You can't be serious!"


Blink, blink.


"You're serious."


Edward spluttered, turning anxious by the second. "But we really don't want to cause any harm! We just need an answer to solve this case!"

"So here's your chance. Convince me."

The alchemist sighed in defeat. "With what?"

"With the basics: How do you know him?"

"We don't know Kota personally..."

If Rain had to roll his eyes one more time, they would get stuck in their sockets. "Obviously! He never mentioned knowing the prince of Xing, let alone an alchemist that's an Allie."

"How do you-" 

Rain tapped his nose, an all-knowing grin carved on his face. "You just confirmed it." 

Greed snickered at Edward's expense earning him a heater glare. The blonde far past annoyed at this point. 

"We're going nowhere with this!" He slammed the table. 

"Here's the stakes. They're pretty f**king high so listen up! : we're trying to find out who's behind an extensive government experiment and this 'Kota' is our last ticket. All the others are dead or dropped off the map. Because of that, up till now, we have little to no proof of the Labs," Rain shivered, "except the cleared out place itself, making our case easily brushed off as 'staged' or 'exaggerated'. So, if you're an Allie as you say you are, you'll be willing to help us stop these experimentation by giving us the intel on Kota that we need. If not, no laws will stop these things from happening again."

After his last words were said, the room spiraled into silence. Edward could feel the penetrating curses thrown at him from behind as he studied the intel's reaction. Rain Water seemed to ponder over the new information for a long time. Some time later, with a nod, he seemed to reach an internal conclusion. Good or bad, Edward couldn't tell. Without saying anything more to the blonde, he addressed Greed who hadn't moved through this conversation.

"What about you?"


15 years Later (Male reader x Greed and the chimeras)Where stories live. Discover now