20 minutes later

234 6 0

"Greed. We don't need anymore issues. It's night and I want to sleep."

"Dammit, just go in already!"

Stop. Hesitate.

Edward was nervous, torn between going to the hotel and finding out more information. He had to choose: either turn on his heels, get his chimera buddies to knock Greed out and drag his ass to the hotel, OR go inside the house and throw caution to the wind. No matter how much he wished the first option was possible, it wasn't. The older man would catch them before they could land a hit. Lan Fan would throw a fit. The alchemist mentally sighed.

So did the humunculs.

The worker had lead them to Rain Water's house and left a while ago. So did Lan Fan. Not willingly nor full heartedly. "And what a nightmare that was." It was hard enough convincing her that her 'precious prince' won't get into trouble, but convincing Edward to open a door? That proved to be something else entirely.

Stop. Hesitate.

The blonde reached for the door.

Stop. Hesitate.

"So you're telling me that you think this artsy, smoke teen-"

"He's in his 20's"

"-ager can help us?"


Palm gripped the metal knob. 

Stop. Hesitate.

"And you know that by talking to him."

"Well, not exactly."

The hand pulled back.

"GREED! You said you did!"

"Does it make any difference???"

"Yes it does!"

"Don't yell at me! A minute ago, you were the one agreeing with me, even making a list on what to ask them! Don't waste it, you shorty!"

Edward bristled like a cat.

"Why you-!"

"Make up your mind! Now."


"Ugh! If Greed wants to search this guy, then so be it. As long as it's on his head not mine."

"Well..." Greed drawled, hands in his pockets.

"Fine. No matter how much I hate you, your idea is...ok."

"Really?" Greed's eyebrow raised, mocking his indecisiveness, "From that tone, I'm only hearing negative."

"Just-! Argh! Stupid old fart. Stay here!"

The door closed, leaving two chimeras snickering and a man with a face full of wood.

"... How rude." 

15 years Later (Male reader x Greed and the chimeras)Where stories live. Discover now