Jennifer had a feeling that wouldn't happen, but every time Andrew voiced his concerns, she couldn't help but feel her own doubt and worry settle in as well. They tried not to dwell on it too much though, not wanting to get their hopes up or crush their dreams before anything had even begun.

After a year had passed, the two had become a little anxious. They were tired of having to live on the streets and steal food, Andrew especially. He would constantly ask Jennifer if she had seen anything more or if they were going to meet their new family soon. Jennifer always just looked away from him and would reply with a quick "soon" before changing the subject.

She knew that that response wouldn't work much longer. Andrew was growing restless and she was too. Luckily for her, she wouldn't have to give him that answer for much longer. For that night was the night that they would meet their new family.

And it all started with one of Jennifer's visions.

- - -

Water. The first thing she saw was water.

It was everywhere but it didn't bother her. It was like a movie in her head where she could only see the water but didn't actually feel it. She could tell it was night time, the water being black enough that there was no way it could've been during the day, but other than that, she couldn't see anything else.

Her suspicions about the time of day were correct when she finally saw the head of the man that controlled metal break through the surface and into the night sky. Her eyes adjusted to the new view before she recognized the familiar Virginia coast that she had seen many times in her visions. Her eyes then flickered back to the man who was swimming around. What was he doing?

The view seemed to change and she finally saw the boat that he was swimming a little ways away from. She watched as he swam towards the ship and, before she could see what happened, the vision changed. She now saw the man flying back into the water after being thrown off of the ship.

The view changed to the man that controlled minds. He was on a coast guard ship that was making its way towards the ship that the other man had just been thrown off of. The images started changing suddenly and she saw the metal man again who was now using his powers to lift up the anchor and wreck the ship.

Jennifer didn't have to have her brother's powers to know that this man was obviously mad about something. The lower half of the ship broke away and became a submarine. The metal man tried to use his powers to bring it up, but was only being dragged underwater by the submarine.

The telepath jumped off of the coastal guard ship after the metal man who had went fully underwater. Jennifer saw the telepath attempting to calm the metal man down, but just when she thought it was beginning to work, the two were suddenly pulled further under water and the vision went black.

"No!" Jennifer yelled as she sat up from her spot in the alley, tears streaming down her face. Andrew instantly shot up from beside her, his face filled with worry and sadness. "What's wrong? Why are you sad?" Andrew asked.

Jennifer was breathing heavily, the events of her vision still flashing through her head. "It's not going to work," Jennifer muttered. "What?" Andrew asked confused. Jennifer's eyes flickered over to her brother and she stared at him with wide eyes.

Andrew's worry washed away and he instantly had a pained and sad look on his face from being able to feel her own emotions. "It's not going to work," Jennifer told him again more persistently.

Red and Silver ~ Peter Maximoff  [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now