Chapter Thirteen: Alone

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Icepaw's entire body shook next to me and Soulflame rubbed his tail comfortingly down her back. Mothflower was at my side, her head was bowed. Flowerwhisker was sobbing by the warrior's den and Whitefoot was at her side with Shadepelt. A giant mess.

"It has been confirmed that Wildpaw has joined ThunderClan," Russetstar announced sadly from the Tallrock. Gorsepaw was below it with Firelily who was talking to her quietly about Wildpaw. "Everyone needs to get back to their duties. Thank you." Then he jumped down from the Tallrock and started talking to Gorsepaw as well.

Wildpaw had been missing for several days and the only one who wasn't panicking was Gorsepaw. Icepaw confronted her, not kindly might I add, and she broke down and told her that Wildpaw had run off to join ThunderClan with our father. Just shameful and embarrassing.


I sat up, Mothflower's voice bringing me out of my thoughts. "Yes? What is it?" I asked, turning my head towards where my mentor was sitting.

"We still have work to do if you're up for it," Mothflower mewed softly, like it was some big surprise that Wildpaw skipped out on us.

I nodded at her and she led the way to our den, slipping inside.

"Why do you think they're pretending it's a shock that Wildpaw left?" I asked as she pulled out herbs for us to sort.

Mothflower shook her head. "For some of them it was. But none of us paid attention to him. We did even notice he was gone until Icepaw and Whitefang pointed it out. This is good for him, they'll understand that soon."

"Icepaw and I are WindClan cats, we always have been. And Wildpaw's just been a bit different..." I shook my head at them. Now they were pretending like they were upset he was gone, we were better off without him. He had always been weak and probably disloyal. ThunderClan could have him, he fit in there.

She gave me some herbs and I smelled them. Burdock Root and Raspberry Leaves. "Have you checked on Dawnpool's kits lately?"

"No, I thought you were going to today," I responded and set the two herbs in their pile. "I can check on her now if you'd like?"

"I'll do it. I haven't saw her in a while," Mothflower mewed and left the den quickly.

I sighed softly and began to put the herbs back on the shelves. She seemed upset. Was she upset with me? I had a destiny to worry about and The Dark Forest battle coming up, I didn't have time to worry about her feelings.

"Help!" someone called in a panicked voice and I pricked my ears as WindClan scent washed over me. "Jaypaw, it's Mousefang."

I quickly grabbed some Cobwebs and Marigold and rushed over to Mousefang. The scent of blood was overwhelming. More excitement, joy. "What happened?"

Mousefang let out a gasp. "The Dark Forest cats attack Icepaw and I!"

My stomach dropped like a weight. "Well, where's Icepaw? Is she okay?" I touched my paw to his shoulder where the blood was gushing out. I quickly coated it in Cobwebs. "Where is Icepaw?" I growled when no one answered.

"The Dark Forest cats took her, Jaypaw..."

I stepped back from Mousefang, unable to control my shaking. "W-What?" I whispered and then heard Mothflower rush in.

She gasped loudly and took the herbs from me. "What's going on? Jaypaw, what happened?"

I couldn't speak, I was panicking now. What did they want with Icepaw? Did they know about our destiny somehow to take them down? How could this happen?

Warriors: The Lurking Darkness (Book Two)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora