Chapter Twelve: I Am ThunderClan

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The gold-and-black she-cat padded in with the white tom at her side. I watched as she said something to him and then quickly padded towards me. Before she even reached me I knew what she was going to say and I could see the concern in her eyes.

"Don't say anything, okay? Until someone asks I don't want you to tell them," I ordered her firmly, probably for like the millionth time. "You're my best friend, probably my only friend. I know you'll do this for me."

She shook her head at me sadly. "Are you doing it now?" she asked, her ears pressed against her head.

"Yes." I glanced around. ShadowClan was keeping WindClan busy and vice versa. They'd been here for a while now and with the announcement yesterday that the four Clans were going to attack The Dark Forest in a moon, I knew it was time. "Gorsepaw, you're my best friend, okay? Please be safe." I touched my nose to her cheek softly, a small smile on my face.

Gorsepaw held in a sob, her eyes watering now. "O-Okay, Wildpaw. I'll miss you. B-Be careful," she whispered, trying not to cause a scene as the tears slipped down her face.

I felt a pang of sympathy but I pushed myself to walk around her and I hurried to the camp entrance, slipping out. I looked out at the moorland, seeing the river and the forest to my right and the pines and Thunderpath to my left.

I padded onward, taking in the scenery and smell. The moorland was open and windy. It felt nice to run on and not have to worry about tripping on. Other than the rabbit holes.

I smiled to myself, remembering the time that Jaypaw tripped in the rabbit hole and yelled at Icepaw for trying to help him. He apologized later.

The Steppe came and went so fast. My decently long legs that I had received from my mother helped with that.

My chest was burning with the effort to keep going. I was almost there.

I stopped right at the scent markers, my ears pricking as I listened. The wind was less pressing here. It was warmer, despite all the leaves covering the ground. Leaf-fall had arrived.

"Wildpaw," the familiar voice mewed and I turned my head and smiled.


My father rushed forward and pressed his nose against mine. "Come, come, we've been waiting for you." He ushered me into ThunderClan territory and I smiled as we padded underneath the trees side-by-side. "Thrushstar has been wanting to meet you. Oh, and Poppydawn, she wants to meet you too. I know that Flowerwhisker will always be your mother, but I'd really like you to try with her, okay?"

I laughed lightly, looking at my father warmly. "Okay, okay, I will! She's having your kits, right?"

He nodded at me, familiar green eyes met mine. He reminded me of Icepaw and Jaypaw. "Don't be upset, you'll always be my kit. All of you are." He smiled and then nodded his head. "We're here. Are you ready?"

I turned my head to see a gorse entrance. The smell of ThunderClan flooded my nose. I swallowed my fear and my stomach began churning nervously. "I'm ready," I lied, but I knew I had to suck it up.

Windflight padded in first and I slipped in after, entering the camp. The first thing that caught my eye was a tall boulder. It almost reminded me of the Tallrock.

A sandy-gray tom padded up at us, a smile on his face. "Wildpaw, welcome! We've been expecting you. Windflight has spoken highly of you for the last moon." He looked over at Windflight. "I am Thrushstar. Let's talk, shall we?"

We padded away from my father who was smiling was I went with the ThunderClan leader.

"Is it my understanding that you've come to join ThunderClan?" Thrushstar asked, glancing over at me.

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