Chapter One: Heroes

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Wildkit pounced on Icekit's tail and she let out a yowl of surprise. I could sense their movements and their energy. All of them were hyperactive, I felt like I was the only one who was calm.

Soulkit was beside me, I could feel his pelt as he stood up and swiftly tackled Wildkit off of Icekit's tail and pinned him down easily against the ground. I could hear Wildkit struggling. Soulkit, judging by how loud his pawstep were, was easily the biggest kit and he'd always been very protective of Icekit.

Wildkit must've gotten Soulkit off of him because now I could hear them wrestling around. I could feel someone's eyes boring into my pelt.

"What?" I swung my head towards Icekit, glaring at her.

She padded towards me and batted my muzzle playfully. Often cats in the Clan would stare at me. Most of them thought I wouldn't know. "Race you to the Tallrock and back!" growled Icekit in my ear and she took off running.

The clearing was full of activity as I trotted after her, careful to try and dodge every warrior in my way. I skidded to a halt, bumping into the Tallrock. I raced after my sister, my heart pounding excitedly. I didn't usually play games with the others but Icekit always brought out the best in me.

However, no one had warned me about the rock that was now in my path and when my paw smashed against it, I fell to the ground in pain, face first. I could feel every warrior stop and stare at me as I struggled to stand back up, wincing a little when I set my paw on the ground.

Soulkit walked up to me. He was definitely about to make fun of me, he often did. "Aw, is little Jaykit okay?" he growled tauntingly.

Even though we were the same age, born within the same moments, he'd grown, a lot. Faster, bigger, and stronger than all the kits he liked to try and rule us. "I'm fine!" I growled at him, flashing a glare. I almost wanted to tackle him, but I knew with the condition my paw was in it would be a mouse brained idea.

He snorted loudly and I felt his bat at my ears. "Whatever, Jaykit." He still had taunting voice.

"Shut it you stupid furball," I retorted without thinking and my heart sand in my chest when I heard him whip back around to face me.

To my relief, Flowerwhisker's yowled loudly and I could hear her pawsteps racing towards us, "What're you doing?" I could feel the anger radiating off her.

"I'm just playing, Flowerwhisker," he mewed in his usual innocent voice.

Suddenly, I could feel Flowerwhisker's tongue rasp against my ear. I moved away from her.

Wildkit and Icekit were at my side now, both of them clearly looking at me.

"Let's get back into the nursery."

Though I was relieved for our mother showing up, I also felt myself get angry. I can fight my own battles! But I didn't argue with her as her tail led me back into the nursery and Wildkit and Icekit hurried after us.

The sun must've been sinking in the sky because she picked me up by my scruff and put me in her nest, Wildkit and Icekit hoping in afterwards.

I could feel Soulkit's stare as he slipped in and got in Whitefoot's nest I realized how scary he really was. Just go to sleep, Jaykit. I forced my eyes closed.


Suddenly, I felt something poke me and I felt around in my nest, moving a little bit. It pierced my skin again and I let out a whimper. Is there a thorn in my nest? I asked myself silently, trying to grab at the spot where I felt pain.

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