• Chapter 30 •

Start from the beginning

Normally, in a situation like this, Emma might not have said anything. She never liked conflict, and if she could avoid it, then that was always the best path. But today? No.

"Excuse me," Emma said again, louder. "I asked if I could please see this necklace."

The clerk turned around with a sour expression.

"Go home, little girl. Or at least to a store that matches your status. Try the thrift shop," she sneered. Emma narrowed her eyes.

"Listen up, Deborah," Emma started, reading off her name from her tag with disgust.

"It's Deborah, actually," she clerk jeered.

More like De'whore'a, Emma thought to herself.

"Yeah, whatever, Deborah," Emma rolled her eyes, mispronouncing it purposely. "Screw you. I'm a customer. High status or not, your job description says you have to help me. Now get behind the damn counter, let me see that necklace, and do your damn job."

Deborah glared at her with hatred burning brighter than the sun.

"You can't talk to me like that," she said pathetically, lacking a better argument.

"Yeah, well, looks like I just did," Emma retorted with a condescending smile. "Now give me the damn necklace."

"And call your manager while you're at it," Regina said, coming up behind Emma with Ashley, deadly glares on both their faces.

The three girls left the store ten minutes later with complimentary treats on their hands and smiles on their faces, giddy as they ran out and to the exit of the mall. The swan necklace shined proudly under the light, hanging from Emma's neck.

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe that just happened!" Emma exclaimed, out of her mind. She couldn't tell whether she felt anxious, exhilarated, or nauseous. All of the above, she decided.

"Emma, that was amazing!" Ashley laughed, hugging her.

"Looks like Miss Swan is tougher than we thought," Regina said with a grudging smile, nudging Emma. "Now come on, my mother is waiting outside in the car."

Emma smiled with pride as she followed Regina and Ashley to Cora's car. She smiled as she looked out the window on the drive home, watching the waves of water splash when they drove through puddles. That smile only grew when she was dropped off at Killian's house with Ashley and Regina waving goodbye.

Going to the mall wasn't just about buying the clothes and all that for fun, Emma realized. It was about the ridiculous things they'd tried on together, the stupid photos she'd cherish forever, and the smile left on her face at the end of the day.

Who needed a sad old soft pretzel anyways?

Having taken quite the chance today, Emma felt refreshed. She felt like... there were so many things she'd never thought she could do that she now believed were possible. It was the most incredible feeling. Even though the risk she had in mind wasn't quite something she was ready to go for, at least it was there. At the surface of her thoughts, ready for her when she was.

She'd taken a risk today. She'd really stood up for herself, and nobody was more happy or proud about it than she was. She couldn't wait to tell Killian everything.

Emma ran upstairs with happiness shining in her eyes. "Killian! I'm back!" she called as she reached the top of the stairs. She opened the door to his room, for the first time listening to what he always told her- not to knock.

Giddy with happiness coursing through her veins, Emma burst into the room radiating her energy. Killian watched her in stunned curiosity as she strode over to him with a ridiculously wide smile, a flirtatious look on her eyes, and a bounce in her step.

"Hi," Emma said. Her smile widened even further at his expression. She couldn't contain herself.

Killian let out an affectionate chuckle.


"You're too cute," was all he said, shaking his head in adoration. He took her hand and pulled her onto the bed where he was sitting. Emma laughed, scowling playfully.

"I am not cute," she countered. "Kittens are cute. Puppies are cute. Me? No," she said adamantly.

"Well..." Killian started, his face already in an expression Emma knew too well. Set to mischief. "Love, you are just about the size of a kitten, so I don't know if that's close enough, or-"

"Killian!" Emma exclaimed, smacking his chest. Killian laughed heartily, holding up his arms to block her as she hit him with the closest pillow.

"You are!!" he insisted loudly, pulling the pillow from under his head to hit her back. "And it makes you bloody adorable!!"

"Oh, shut up," Emma laughed. She tossed her pillow aside and shook her head adoringly. Killian dropped his pillow and sat up, adjusting Emma to sit in his lap. She looped her arms around his neck, smiling widely as she rested her forehead against his.

Killian nudged Emma's nose gently, closing his eyes to savor every second of this moment. The next thing he knew, Emma was kissing him. He smiled against her, lips molding together perfectly and parting gently. Emma's smile grew shy as he eyed her in adoration.

"What are you looking at me like that?" Emma asked, biting her lip and curling her hair around her ear.

"I just..." Killian started. He shook his head, seeming to change his thought. "You seem so happy."

"I am," she replied softly, resting her head against his heart. Killian smiled, kissing the top of her head, and traced circles on her back gently. "I really am."

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