Chapter 6: A Team

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The first week down, another week to tackle. Today you walked to school alone, Midoriya thought it would be for the best if he tried to keep as much distance from you as possible just like he does with Bakugou. He feels responsible for causing that fight last week between you and Bakugou. What he doesn't know is that Bakugou and yourself no longer have an interest in killing each other.

You stepped within the classroom all bright eyed and bushy tailed. You were finally wearing a fitting uniform. Quite a win if you must say so yourself. "Good Morning Aizawa," you greeted your teacher before stepping past his desk to make way for your own. Aizawa grinned gently towards you, assuming your weekend must've been one to remember seeing you all happy and ecstatic. The complete opposite of last week with the bumpy first day and town tremering fight of the fourth. At last you weren't thinking about the problems going on at home by the looks of it, with that realization, Aizawa felt better knowing you were in a better place.

"Morning Bakugou," you greeted the blonde, taking your seat behind his. Bakugou turned his head slightly to glance behind himself towards you out of the corner of his crimson eyes before facing the front of the class once more.

"Morning," Bakugou grumbled, something was bothering him. "Is this new attitude of yours real or fake?" That must've been the burning question. You perked up to said question, probably thinking too deeply into it. When your reply came later than it should've.

"Um... I don't know how it could be fake..." You trailed off in confusion.

"You're too perky right now," Bakugou informed you turning around in his seat with an arm draped over your desk.

"Well I actually looked forward to school for a change," you admit wearing a shy smile that brought a dusty pink to your cheeks.

"What?" Bakugou questioned.

You were just drowning in tension. Who knew it was so hard to talk to another person? You took a deep breath in, "after you walked me home after detention last week, I sort of assumed we were friends," the only reason why Bakugou walked you home after detention was because you both figured out you lived within close proximity of each other and mutually agreed to walk side by side.

Even with that fact on the mind, Bakugou eased up slightly. "I guess," the blonde shrugged. "I can finally get my mom off my back about making friends." You giggled, pressing a hand to your mouth. "What?' Bakugou growled.

"Oh," you settled down, fighting a laugh. "I had no clue parents still cared about their kids making friends so badly."

"Um... She doesn't," Bakugou grumbled.

"But you just said-"

"Shut up!" Bakugou faced the front of the class putting his back towards you. Another laugh tickled your throat. Is he too afraid to admit he's a momma's boy or something?

"Settle down class!" Aizawa spoke over his chattering students. Everyone took their seats immediately while some groaned with annoyance to have been interrupted all so suddenly. When silence sat in, Aizawa took a gander around the room, sitting himself down atop his desk. "Today... I won't be teaching you," now that's a surprise, some of your classmates began mumbling within their own confusion. "Today is a physical day, I welcome our newest teacher to the classroom," Aizawa almost spoke some more like he were cut off by a distraction. His bloodshot eyes found you within the sea of students, they were full of worry before he glanced back at the door to the classroom. "Why don't you come in here..." Aizawa sighed.

The door was thrown off its hinges, a big burly man with a sparkling white smile stood at the front of the classroom with his hands perched upon his hips. "Do not worry for I AM HERE!"

Ignition: Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now