-"Maybe Fairytales Do Come True."; Chapter 17.

Start from the beginning

"One tall Java Chip frappe with whipped cream, and one grande caramel frappe." The barista called out.

Harry got up from his chair, and retreived the drinks.

"Thank you Harry." I smiled as he handed me my long awaited drink. I needed some coffee. I hadn't had any in forever.

"You're welcome love." He smiled that beautiful smile of his.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't know. I think the girls wanted to spend today with you, since we're leaving in 2 days.." He mentioned.

I forgot I was gonna have to leave my girls.

"How Elena doing?" Harry asked interupting my thoughts.

"I think she's okay. Her head might be a little sore though." I replied.

"Not that, I meant, with your dad, and everything that's happened over the passed week." He responded.

"Oh.. um, honestly, I think she's glad to be out of there. Louis is really helping her out, wether she knows it or not. I think she'd be a total mess if he weren't there to support her." I replied, avoiding eye contact.

"That's good. Louis' good at supporting people like that." He paused, as he grabbed my hand rested on the table. "How are you doing?"

"I've never been better." I replied, honestly. "I'm glad I got El out of that house. I don't want her growing up like that. She deserves better."

"She does deserve better. But so do you. I'm glad you got out of that house." He smiled, squeezing my hand.

"I'm glad, that you're the one to rescue me." I smiled. "Maybe fairytales do come true. The prince saved the princess and her sister." I laughed at my own statement.

"So in this fairytale, do the prince and princess live happily ever after?" He asked, as he gave me a cheeky wink.

"I don't know, you tell me." I laughed, at his adorable smile.

"I'm pretty sure they do." He giggled.

My phone started ringing. "Katy Perry's on replay, she's on replay. DJ got the floor to shake, the floor to shake. People going all the way, yeah, all the way."

I pulled it out of my pocket, and unlocked it. It was a text.

"Nice ringtone." Harry laughed, probaby because I chose his solo to be my ringtone.

"Thanks, I like it too." I replied, my eyes still glued to my phone.

I looked at the text. "Where are you babe? I think we should all do something together since it's our last night here. -Pae"

I quickly texted back "Harry and I are at Starbucks. We'll be back in a few."

I looked up at Harry. "I think everyone's up. Paeton texted me, and said we should all do something together. Shall we get going?"

"Yeah, that's fine." He replied, and stood up. I grabbed my crutches that were resting on the floor, and positioned them under my arms. I walked towards the door, as Harry placed his hand on the small of my back.

"Alright, just walk straight to the car." Harry whispered into my ear.

I wondered what he meant, but then I figured it out. We walked out the front door of Starbucks, and were swarmed with paparazzi.

Harry stepped next to me, and wrapped his arm protectively around my shoulder. I kept my head down, and stared at the ground, just following Harry.

"Harry, is this your mystery girl?" "Harry! Is this your girlfriend?" "Who is your lady friend?" "Is this the lucky future Mrs. Styles?"

Questions like that were being thrown around, and Harry didn't say one word to them. Cameras were flashing everywhere. We made our way through the street, and back to Harry's Ferrari. He opened the door to the passenger side, and let me in. I handed him my crutches and he put them in the back. He hopped in the drivers seat, and drove off.

"I'm sorry about that. I knew that was gonna happen." Harry replied, a couple minutes after we drove off.

"Is that what it's always like when you're seen with a girl?" I questioned.

"Pretty much." He replied.

It was a short ride back to the hotel, and we sat in a comfortable silence, as he held my hand in his.


"Nice picture Lacey, you look hot." Paeton stated as I walked in the door. She held her phone up in front of my face.

It was the picture of Harry and I leaving Starbucks. It was already all over Twitter.

"Ha, sweet." I laughed.

"You're all over Twitter. Apparently, you're Harry's mystery girl." Liam laughed, scrolling through his Twitter mentions.

"Guess it's time to tell the world." I laughed, knowing that now that the picture of us leaving Starbucks was all over Twitter, I'm gonna be known as Harry's mystery girl. Might as well tell them that I am his girlfriend.

A minute after I said that, I felt my phone vibrate. It was a Twitter notification. I got mentioned. I looked at the tweet.

"@HarryStyles: Yes, everyone. The girl in the picture from earlier today, is my beautiful girlfriend @LaceyMae22."

I looked across the room and saw Harry smirking.

"I love you." I mouthed.

"I love you too." He mouthed back.

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