Chapter 9

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I had been released from the hospital about two days ago. I've been living with Tae-Won for those two days. I've enjoyed it surprisingly. Yoongi hasn't texted me. No one has and it's nice. gets lonely. Obviously, I have Tae-Won but he has a job and isn't home a lot.

That's when I knew I had to see Yoongi. I told Tae-Won my plans for today he understood. He seemed hesitant to agree but he didn't argue. I changed into light blue skinny jeans and a black short sleeved shirt. I put on red converse highs and walked out the door.

I walked down the street until I saw my house. I walked inside and everything was cleaned. I was shocked and instantly thought of Jin and Namjoon. I walked back out and walked down the street.

As I walked down the street, I picked up my speed. I felt like if I didn't get there fast enough, I'd be too late. I slipped past people and squeezed through people. When I saw the white siding of the house I booked it. I didn't care how many people I accidentally shoulder-checked. I needed to see them again.

I walked up to the door and knocked. I heard the shuffling of feet and the unlocking of the door. I waited and when they opened the door, no one said anything, I was standing face to face with Yoongi.

"Y-Y/N," he breathed.

"I'm sorry," I whispered before beginning to cry. He put his arms around me and I felt horrible. A month and three days had gone past with him thinking I was dead. I grabbed his shirt and balled it into my hands as I hugged him. 

I felt the hug get tighter and the brushing of other people. 

"Where have you been?! Why didn't you respond," Yoongi said, beginning to question me.

"You said you loved me," was what I replied with.

Yoongi looked at me and his eyes widened. 

Yoongi's POV

I told her I loved her. God I'm an idiot. I shouldn't have said that. No one except Kyung-Seok said that to her, "I'm sorry."

"You're fine," she said, pulling back to look me in the eyes.

I wanted to ask more questions but I could tell she was overwhelmed. I stepped to the side to let her inside and she walked in.

I still couldn't believe it. She was alive. She knew how I felt. There's still a chance. I just have to wait.

Tae-Won's POV

The memory hit my heart like a dagger. She had completely forgotten.


I sat at the desk beside Y/N, smiling. We had been friends since kindergarten and had vowed to always be friends with each other. We both admitted we liked each other and since we were in seventh grade, we considered ourselves dating. I had asked her out immediately after she said she liked me.

She had told me there was no one else for her but me. It warmed my heart. But, as the years went on, she stopped talking to me. I stopped her in the hall one day and she looked at me.

"Y/N? Why haven't you responded to my texts?"

"I'm busy with school work. I'm sorry. I just want to get into a good college," was her response and she walked away.

School work. She really put me off for school work. Ever since that day, I've tried talking to her during school but she would always give one word answers and walk off. What was wrong with her? Did I do something?

As I walked down the hall after school I heard sniffs. I turned the corner and to my surprise, there she was. All balled up and crying.


She looked up instantly. She stood up with her bag and wiped her eyes, "I have to go."

She began walking but I stopped her. She looked at me as if I had just called her Ajumma, "What?"

"Why were you crying?"

"I- my- never mind," she said before walking off. It had something to do with her and her family but I would never know what she was going through.

That was the last time I talked to her. We went our separate ways and it was like we didn't know each other. Although we never said we broke up, we got the idea and so did everyone else. That's when I found out about Yoongi.

End of Flashback

He had everything I've ever wanted. A life, looks, girls...Y/N. I didn't want her to go see Yoongi. Although she said she didn't love Yoongi, didn't mean she didn't like him.

My heart broke at the thought of watching her being love by someone else and loving someone else. But, I had to swallow my pride and let her go. She forgot about our past and I don't want her to remember. I don't want her to think that she hurt me. She did hurt me but I would never blame her.


Yelling caught me off guard. I turned around and saw Kyung-Seok. He rammed into me and pushed me over. I realized why now.

Kyung-Seok's POV

I walked down the street, my nose buried in my phone. I realized I didn't need to be an inch away from my phone and turned off my phone. I shoved the phone in my pocket and walked down the street. As I walked, I watched the busy road.

I saw an old lady with her husband, feeding birds. I recognized the whiteness of the bird and knew it was the Crow-tit. I smiled and stared at the birds. They were the cutest thing I had ever seen and I just watched.

I was caught up in watching them I didn't realize my feet carried me over to them.

"Cute, aren't they," the lady said and I looked up.

"Yeah," I said and watched the birds.

After a while of watching them I explained I had to go and walked away. I walked down the street and looked down the road. It was suddenly barren and I wondered why. As I walked down the sidewalk, I saw and odd figure in the road. It looked like a man but it was familiar.

The brown hair, the tall structure, the strong muscles rippling under his shirt. 


He was just standing in the road like it wasn't dangerous at all.

But then I saw it. Headlights aimed at Tae-Won.

I dropped everything and ran. 


I yelled his name five times before he looked at me. He was confused and I rammed into his side, pushing him away. Just as I pushed him away, pain flooded my body and everything went black.

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