Chapter 23 - Next Step and then Tumble Down.

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Chris' was almost recovered from his accident when Holly had to go in for an emergency meeting to New York. "Babe, you should go, I'm ok, see, I can walk now, it only hurts a little when I sit", Chris said, demonstration a strut. "No, it's alright, I won't take this client, I'll have others, I'm not leaving you alone here", Holly said. "Ok, let's make a deal, you go to New York and I will call Liam to come stay here or I'll go stay there, plus Aria will be over all the time and I'm sure she'll fill in for you to remind me to take my medicines", Chris smiled. "I'm not so sure Chris", Holly hesitated. "You are going Holly, and that's it. You have been ignoring your work enough already, not anymore", Chris declared. "Ok, but only if Liam agrees first", Holly negotiated. Chris went over to Liam's to stay a few nights when he realized how much he missed Holly. He missed her waking up, arguing over what breakfast to make, how she get excited when she got home groceries and experimented with a recipe, snuggling and watching movies and talking everynight. He missed being around her all the time. He never felt like he needed space, she always gave him some time alone, before he even realized he needed it, she perfectly understood him and fit into his life like no one else had.

"So, what do you think? Will she want to move in?", Chris asked. Aria sat up, her eyes wide and sparkling. "Are you kidding me? Of course she would, but um...have you guys spoken about it?", she asked. "Uh, no, why? do you think we should talk about it first?", Chris asked, nervously. "I don't know, have you had any kid of conversation about the future?", Aria asked again. "No. Shit, you think I'm getting ahead of myself? Maybe I should wait, I don't know. These past weeks have been so great, I really want that every day. I have no idea what to do", Chris confessed. "Oh Chrissy, you need to relax, stop over thinking again", Aria scoffed and waved one hand around. "I don't know why I get so nervous when it comes to her, I mean, we've been together for the last 5 months now and we love each other but she still gives me butterflies in the stomach. It's crazy and I love it", Chris said, smiling. "Aww Chrissy, that's so cute, I think you should ask her, jump in with both feet, I can see she loves you as much as you love her, worst case, she'll say she isn't ready and will suggest to wait a little right?", Aria shrugged, making it sound so easy. "Hmm, I guess, I don't know, I'll ask her if it feels right", Chris said and then looked around. "Wait, where is Liam? I swear he was a part of this conversation when it started", he spoke. Aria looked around as well and said, "Typical, he ran when the conversation got serious, he's probably out on the deck", shaking her head. Chris laughed, "You really picked a mature guy". "The heart wants what the heart wants", Aria said, raising an eyebrow and pursing her lips. She got up and headed to the deck to find Liam.

Chris put his script down in bed and turned to Holly. She had been back since 2 days and he was waiting for the right time to ask her. At that exact moment, he realized, there was no right moment and he just had to spit it out. "Hol, I want to talk to you", Chris said. "Okayyy", Holly replied, unsure of what to expect. "I...Maybe.....You know...I love you", Chris said, unable to speak the words. "I love you too", Holly replied, smiling a little and leaning over for a kiss, which she got. She waited for a second, expecting something else but then continued to read her book. Chris still kept looking at her, his heart beating faster. "What is it?", Holly said, not taking her eye off her book, seeing him stare from the corner of her eye. "Nothing, never mind", Chris said as he turned and picked up his script. About ten minutes later, he put the script down between his knees again and looked at Holly. Holly immediately shut her book, with a finger in the middle, marking the page and looked at Chris. "What's going on?", she asked, with a straight face. "I was thinking....that maybe...but only if you wanted to as well, I dont want to pressure you or do anything to push you away, I would never -" "Chris!", Holly said, slightly louder, ending his ramble. "Will you move in with me?", Chris blurted it out, letting out a long breath after his sentence. Holly stared on, her face not conveying any emotion. Chris saw her face and began, "Shit, is this too fast? I'm sorry, I shoudn't -". "Ok", she said, still not conveying any emotion on her face. "What?", Chris asked, not having heard her answer in between his jabber. "Ok, I'll move in", she said again, a smile growing on her face. "Really?", Chris asked, not believing it. "No, I'm joking..Yes really!!", she said, with a full wide grin. Chris instantly enveloped her into a hug and regretted it, "Aaah, the ribs", he winced. He eased the firmness and kissed her forehead, nose and then her lips. Holly started laughing into the kiss and pulled away, she said, "Is that why you were so nervous?". Chris flushed pink and nodded, "I didn't know what you would think, I didn't want you to think it was too fast, I didn't want to scare you away", he said, embarrassed. Holly laughed a little more, "Oh sweetheart, you could never scare me away, and yes it's fast but I love you and I'm gonna love bossing you around all day even more", she said, leaning in and kissing him. "I think I might be changing my mind", he joked, as he pulled her closer toward him and slowly, carefully climbed on top of her, kssing her. "Really? If I lived here we could do this any time of the day, all day..but you're right, maybe you are changing your mind", she whispered as they kept kissing. "Hmm, nope, not changing my mind", he chuckled and continued. "Babe, stop we can't do this till your injuries are better", Holly said, putting a hand softly on his chest and creating a little distance. Chris growled low and said, "It's been weeks!! I hate this". "I know hun, just a few more days", she convinced him.

Love for a Lifetime (a Chris Hemsworth Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें