Chapter 14 - Avengers Assembled

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Holly covered her face with her free hand as she felt the bright light flash one more time. Chris turned his head away and quickly walked inside.As soon as they were inside he turned to her and said, "Are you okay? I knew something like this would happen, I'm sorry", he stroked her face with his palm. She looked at him, slightly startled and said, "No, it's ok, I...", she stopped suddenly, and started breathing heavily. Chris quickly pulled the nearest chair and sat her on it. Chris rubbed her back and said, "Babe, breathe, it's going to be fine. I'll go deal with it, it was only one guy so its not too bad, we can make sure the photo doesn't appear anywhere". Holly looked at him and nodded. Chris quickly called the bouncer and said, "Hi, there is a man outside who just clicked some pictures of us walking inside here, could you please make sure he gives you the memory chip, we don't appreciate being disturbed", he handed him some money and the bouncer nodded. He turned back to Holly and bent down to her level, "See hun, it's done", he wrapped his arm around her. She clasped him back without saying anything. After a few more minutes and a glass of water later, Holly's little panic attack passed. "Are you sure? We don't have to do this you know, we can just go someplace else or back to my place if you prefer", Chris said as she stood up from the chair. "No, I'm ok, I'm sorry I freaked out, I didn't mean to embarrass you, I...". "He hugged her before she could finish her sentence, "Holl, you could never embarrass me. I'm sorry, we should have taken it slow, I didn't think about it. I'm so sorry baby", he said and planted a kiss on her head. "It's not your fault Chris, I don't know why I freaked out. But I'm ok now, I think it just hit me all of a sudden you being a movie star and this dinner with your celebrity friends and it just overwhelmed me for a moment", She said as Chris took her hand in his, bringing it up and kissing it. "So, are you ready to meet them or should we reschedule", he asked, still concerned for her. "We can meet them", she said, smiling, and taking in a deep breath. "OK, here we go", he said as they walked toward the table Robert had reserved.

"Heyy! Hems is here!", Robert said as he looked up from his conversation and saw them. Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, his wife Christina, Scarlett and her fiance Romain, Jeremy and Susan, Robert's wife turned and smiled at them. "Hi guys, this is Holly, Holly, you know Chris, Mark, Christina, Scarlett, Romain, Jeremy and Susan". Holly smiled at them all and said, "Hey, I've hear so much about all of you" as she sat in the chair Chris pulled out for her in between his own and Chris Evans. "Nice to meet you Holly, we've heard a lot about you too", Chris E said as he held his hand out. "You too!", she said as she shook it. Holly looked back at Chris who was busy saying something to Scarlett, Holly felt her cheeks flush red as Scarlett gave her a caring look and looked back at Chris. She was hoping Chris hadn't told her about the panic attack, but she had a feeling he just did. Chris turned to her and smiled and she shot Chris an unresponsive look. Chris Evans leaned in and asked if she wanted to have some sake and she smiled at him in agreement. She said to Chris E, "I saw the new Captain America and it was so great! You did a fantastic job". Chris E smiled and said, "Well, thank you but really I owe it to the Russo's and the editing team, they make me look better on screen, but tell me about you, Hems said you have a furniture store right?". Holly crossed her legs and sat back and said, "Yeah, I love home decor and it just sort of happened this way. I didn't expect to be doing this but I so absolutely love it, I am thinking of expanding to New York soon". "Really? I didn't know that, you didn't tell me that", Chris H interrupted. "Yeah I was thinking about it and I have contacted some property agents today to locate a good place", she said, barely turning back to face him. "That's fantastic, you should open one in Boston too, I can promise you a lot of customers", Chris E said and winked. Holly blushed and laughed. "So you travel a lot then?", Chris E added, "Yeah I have to go on business trips to order furniture and visit fairs and stuff, I drop by Paris and Milan to meet some of my friends while I'm visiting Europe, it's really great!", Holly said, her eyes sparkling as she spoke about her work. She really did love what she did. "Wow, that sounds like a sweet deal!", Chris said as he poured her a cup of the sake that just arrived.

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