Chapter 27 - Workaholic Part 1

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        "Hi baby", Holly shouted as she entered the house, putting her keys back in her handbag. "Up here", she heard his voice, coming from their room. She walked up the stairs and into their room, "Hi honey, how was your day?", he said, looking her her and smiling. "Ugh was good but long", she said, placing her bag on the table and taking off her shoes. "Do you want to eat? I've made some stir fried beef noodles", he said, as she walked over to him on the couch and sat down, leaning back. "Yeah, I'm starving", she said, covering her eyes with one hand. "Ok, I'll heat it up, why don't you change and meet me down?", he said, quickly getting up and kissing her head before he left. Holly changed into her pajamas and walked back down to the kitchen.

        Chris was whistling while heating up the food for Holly. "What's got you in such a good mood", Holly asked as she sat down on on the counter. "Nothing, just in a good mood", he said, not looking up. "Okay", she chucked, "How was your day? what did you do?", she asked as he placed a bowl of beef noodles in front of her. "My day was good, had a table read and did the fittings and some test makeup. I have dialect training all week starting tomorrow and we're doing the poster shots on Friday so that should be fun", he said, watching Holly eat. "Mmmm, that sounds good", she said and taking another bite. "Yeah, what about you? Did Ted figure out the permits?", he asked. Holly rolled her eyes and finished her bite before saying, "No, he tried but they're not available anymore, oh and I need to go to New York sometime next week, I'm thinking of getting a place there, even just a studio apartment so I have a place when I go there", she said, waiting to hear Chris' opinion. "Really? do you need a place?", he asked. "I think so,  I'm there a week every month almost, and I think it makes sense, Ted was talking about doing a pop-up in a loft in Brooklyn, and doing trendy furniture there, something different from the store", she said. "Yeah sounds really good, so how long does the pop-up store stay on", he asked, bringing over a bottle of water for Holly. "About 6-8 weeks, depending on the lease we get, but I may have to stay there during that time. I don't even know if we're doing it though, let's see, I have to think about it", she said, drinking some water as Chris put the bowl in the sink and ran water over it. "Hmm, so then if it going through, getting a place might work out", he said, washing the bowl as Holly sat. "Yeah, I don't know, maybe I should do a pop up in a few different cities, do a little market testing that way, for future expansions", she said, fidgeting with the bottle. "You can try Brooklyn first and see how it does, take that experience and use it in other places, don't jump in all at once though", he said, setting the clean bowl on the rack and wiping his hands. "Hmm, I'll have to talk to Ted and my dad, see what he thinks too", she said, standing up.

        Holly came home the next night, quietly. She silently shut the door behind her and took off her shoes and held it in her hand as she walked up the stairs to their room. She opened the door and shut it carefully, trying not to wake Chris. She placed her shoes gently on the floor next to her shoe closet, put her bag down on the table and tiptoed into the bathroom. She took a quick shower and changed into her pajamas and silently got into the room and walked to the bed, sliding in without much noise. She put her phone on the charger and made herself comfortable int he bed. She turned and closed her eyes as she felt Chris' arm on her. She turned her neck slightly to see if Chris was awake. "What's the time", Chris asked, his voice deep and soft. "It's about 1", she said, putting her hand over his arm and closing her eyes. "Did you just get home?", he asked again, pulling her closer to him. "Yeah. Lost track of time at work. Go back to sleep", she said, closing her eyes.

        When Chris opened his eyes the next morning, he felt around for Holly. He looked over on her side when he couldn't feel her. He sat up in bed and shouted out, "Hol?", rubbing his eyes. When he didn't get a response, he got up and went to check the bathroom for her. The bathroom mirror was foggy, and he could still smell Holly's shampoo. He put on his robe and went down to the kitchen for some coffee, assuming she would probably be there. He saw Holly sitting on the deck with her laptop, her wet hair tied into a bun. He got his mug of coffee and walked out onto the deck. "Morning", she said, cheerfully, looking at him. "Morning, when did you wake up?", he asked, sitting down on the patio chair next to her. "An hour ago, I decided to finish some work, and just took a shower.", she said, looking back to her laptop. "Did you sleep at all?", he asked, taking another sip. "yeah for a little while but I'm just a little stressed. The sales figures came in yesterday and I'm not too happy about it.", Holly said, looking at Chris quickly before diving back into her laptop. "Oh, ok, well, do you want some breakfast?", he asked, getting up and putting the chair back in it's place. "Uh, yeah sure", she said, without looking up. "Ok, I'll go make some", he said, leaving the deck and heading into the kitchen.

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