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Me and Connor texted on an off for the next few weeks and talked at church and stuff I am now getting ready for our 2nd date we are going to the beach so we have to leave early to get there. He came to pick me up around 4:30 to get there around 5:15.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey." I say I go to grab my bag and we get in the truck. I'm in a black and blue bikini with a tank top and short over it. Connor has black swim shorts on and another band t-shirt. we talk and listen to music and get there right on time.

"Well here we are." he says. we pull up to an amazing beach with a picnic set up and everything.

"It's awesome." I say. we walk to the picnic and sit down.

"Do you like it?" he asks.

"I love it." I say. We eat and decide to go for a swim. we take our over clothes of exposing our swimsuits. he's got abs. I'm not exactly supermodel skinny but I'm not fat. we get in the water.

"Come on. get in deeper." He says stretching out his hand.

"Fine." I walk up to him and hold his hand. the waters nice and the sun is starting to set.

"So. I need to ask you something." he says. he sounds nervous again.

"Ya." I say.

"Ya. so. will you you be my girlfreind?" he asks. he starts to blush.

"Definitely." I say.

"Really?" he says surprised.

"Ya. Your nice. your cute." I say he starts to blush more. "what psychopath wouldn't want to date you."

"So I guess it's official." he says.

"Yep." I say. then he kissed me. and he was a good kisser to. we kissed for a few minutes and then headed back to the truck. we drive back to town and he drops me off.

"I'll text ya later." he says.

"Ok." I say and walk into my house. I walk in and Maya's at the table. here we go again.

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