Seizure Scare

16 2 0

It's Sunday again and I'm in one of the back pews. service is about to start and Connor comes up to me.

"Hey can I sit with you?" he asks.

"Sure." I say sitting up. he sits and I see Cameron with her mouth wide open. Cameron was the rich bitch of high school. she's convinced she stole my boyfriend junior year but the truth is I dumped him. I smile at her and pull out my phone. since my bible and stuff is on there. the service starts and I get a text. from Connor



🔥 hey

🐠 hey

🔥what's up

🐠in church Hbu

🔥texting in church

🐠lol ya

🔥who's the girl staring at me and u

🐠that's Cameron

🔥who's she

🐠 that's a long story

🔥 I gots time

🐠 she was the rich bitch in high school and she's convinced she stole my boy friend but I actually dumped him

🔥oh why'd ya dump him

🐠he was pushing me to sleep with him and I got tired of it

🔥 wow he's a dick

🐠 ya pretty much.

🔥 I better start paying attention to church. my old man always has me turn in a page of notes.

🐠 that's tough I'll talk to ya later then

church goes as usual until I see my hand shaking. oh no. I run out the door and into the hall way. Connor follows me. I go and sit in an empty room I bite my goings and start to sit thru my seizure . Connor starts to help me.

"I'm going to med school so I'm gonna help you." I nod

After the seizure Conner sits with me arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"Are you ok?" he whispers. I nod. "do you have those often?." I nod. we sit there for a little longer. "do you want me to drive you home?" he asks. I nod he walks me to his truck and buckles me in. then he gets in.

"Thank you." i say in a shaky voice.

"No problem." we get to my house and he walks me to my door then hands me off to my mom. she puts me to bed and I fall asleep

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