11- Boxers, not Briefs

Start from the beginning

I decided to lay my head back down on the desk again, letting the cool plastic ease the ghost of a burning sensation in my cheeks.


A loud bang erupted right by my ear drum causing my eyes to flash open. I nervously glanced up at a plum-faced Mrs. Adams who was clutching a large red dictionary in her hands.

“Office. Now.” She commanded and I swear if she were a cartoon character there would have been jets of steam blowing out of her ears and nose.

I gulped and followed her orders, still a bit dazed from my early morning nap. I walked back out into the hallway rubbing the sleep from my eyes and turned left toward the office.

Once there, I grabbed a seat in front of the door, feeling sorely out of place. The seat was too small, and uncomfortable, making me squirm.

After sitting there for a couple minutes, wondering how realistic my one year timeline was going to be, the door to Mr. Brighton’s office opened to reveal a half-naked Jack.


Upon seeing me, Jack grinned wolfishly before plopping himself promptly down on the chair next to mine.

“Did my little princess get in trouble again?” Jack fake gasped as he draped an arm around me. “You know, you’re becoming quite the naughty little girl.” He smirked as he tweaked my nose.

I glared, “I thought you were going back to your room.” I commented dryly.

“Nah, I just said that to keep up my rep.” He shrugged, “It’s nice having some good old one-on-one time with Mr. Brighton.”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m sure it’s simply splendid.”

“You know it babe.” He made that clicking sound in the back of his mouth.

I sighed, dropping my head into my hands. “I still can’t believe you actually came to class looking like that.”

“Babe, you know you like the view.” Jack winked again. I frowned and shoved his arm off of me.

“Not in your wildest dreams.”

“Hmm,” He cocked his head to the side, “Speaking of dreams, next time you sneak into my room at night, make sure I’m awake and you’re sober – I’m sure you’ll have much more fun.”

I made a gagging sound in the back of my throat in reply.

Jack sighed before he surprised me by leaning forward and brushing his thumb across my lower lip. I stared at him wide-eyed as I felt a small shiver travel down my spine.

His green eyes bored into mine seriously, intensely, before the spell was broken by the sound of Mr. Brighton’s over-exuberant voice. “Next student please.”

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