Chapter 9

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You stared at the door and concentrated hard , "Who are you." You mumbled to yourself. Suddenly something happened that you couldn't describe. It was like somebody was inside your mind, but you were blocked from theirs.

It was like they almost pierced your subconscious with their mind. You yelled out in pain and collapsed on the ground, "Psimon." You whispered. He was invading your mind, stabbing at it. You felt your brain being almost ripped apart,

"Ahh!" you yelled, clutching your head, "Jason! Help!"

Suddenly the pain stopped and you felt Jason's hand on your shoulder, "It's okay sis. He won't hurt you."

You looked up at a cloaked figure in the room. You shuddered, just his presence in the room felt wrong, "What makes you so sure?" you asked Jason.

Jason nodded at Psimon. Psimon took off his hood, revealing an unusually large, pale head with a giant brain visible at the top. He didn't move his mouth, but you could hear his voice. Like how Jason had described the psychic link.

Listen to your brother. I will not hurt you.

Leave me alone. You thought angrily.

I am here to help you.


Let me help you.

"I said NO!" you yelled out loud. But suddenly your mind let out a wave. It was like the first time your powers had gone out of control, except this time you were ready You prepared to let it out, but instead it burst like a bubble inside your mind and you sank to the floor whimpering, "Jason, he's making it worse."

Jason hugged you, "Don't worry, Picture. He knows what he's doing." He lowered his voice, "And if he tries anything I'll deal with him."

You nodded; you were in too much pain to do anything else.

Psimon pulled up his hood, "Now. Let's get started."

You sat down and pulled your own hood up, "I'm ready."

Garfield headed west as fast as he could. He knew that something over there had to be important somehow. People stared at him as he ran by, or flew by; a green bird isn't something you see every day.

He had a feeling that whatever inspired you to ask his help inspired him to help you. He remembered first meeting you. You had sparked his interest and intrigued him. He had never seen anybody like you, not to mention that you had almost beat him. It was almost like he had met you before.

He sighed, why had he attacked, why had he started this whole thing? He looked west and squinted his eyes, what was over here that was of any importance?

He stood on a rooftop ad scratched his head, "Where do I go?" he said out loud.

He looked around. Nothing. Maybe it had to do with animals, or-Beast Boy looked down. The store was named, The Westward Hand. Beast Boy looked at the paper, "Oh. Very sneaky, Picture."

He hopped down, it was some sort of little trinket store. He knocked on the door, "Hello. Is anyone home?"

The door opened slowly to reveal a dimly lit room and a small old lady smiling at him, "Hello young one, you have come to see my shop?"

Beast Boy smiled and nodded, "Yeah, um, actually a friend sent me here. Do you know her?"

The old woman laughed, "That depends on who she is."

Because of Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now