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Beast Boy dropped to the ground and looked at his hands, "What happened? What did I do?"

Nightwing stared at the Zeta Tube, "I don't know. But she needs help." He looked at Barbara, "Looks like I'll have to delay my retirement for a while longer."

Tim looked at Beast Boy, "Garfield, what did you see?"

Beast Boy put his face in his hands, "I saw my mother's death, I saw monsters that only exist in my mind, I saw, I can't describe it, but it was like abstract thoughts of fear, pain, and death, only I could feel them. It was awful."

Dick helped him up and sat him down on a chair, "I'm calling Batman." He typed something into the air and a screen appeared. Batman stared at Nightwing, "Is something wrong?"

Nightwing looked down, "(y/n), she...freaked out. We're still trying to figure out what happened. Beast Boy- they were fighting-"

"You got her mad?"

"No. In combat training. He must have squeezed her a bit too tight, because she let out a wave of-of-of nightmares. Beast Boy was-devastated and the rest of us felt-fear. It hit us hard. But she was terrified. She ran away."

Batman narrowed his eyes, "This is my fault."

Beast Boy looked up, "No, It's mine."

Batman shook his head, "No, I knew she was unstable. I should have known that Jason's death would cause-"

"Cause what?"

"His death hit us all hard, but she was-connected to him. When he died, a small part of her went with him, and that makes her feel-threatened; terrified"

"And now?"

He sighed, "And now she's slowly giving way to every bad memory; every terrifying thought that is hidden in her subconscious. Soon, it will overpower her and gnaw away at her until she's nothing but a personification of Fear and Evil."

Beast Boy looked confused, "If it's in her mind, then why did she show me my fears?"

Batman shook his head, "She was aware that something was attacking her, so her subconscious took over and attacked you back. It's what happened when she was younger. When people hurt her or scared her, her fear took over and the darkest parts of their imaginations attacked from the inside. Luckily, I found her, along with Jason. But when she touched him, she found comfort. He connected to her and showed her instead all her own good memories and all of his."

"So what did you do?"

"We helped her heal. We buried all of her bad memories and pain, but when Jason died, something broke, deep down. It finally burst when Beast Boy brought it out."

Beast Boy looked at the floor. Tim put a hand on his shoulder, "So what are we going to do about it?

Batman pulled out a small screen with a small red dot on it, "I think I might know where to look."

The small girl ran through the streets, she didn't want to hurt anyone else. But they kept on hurting her and scaring her. Nobody was safe.

Suddenly something broke out of the darkness, teeth bared and-

"No!" You sat up in a cold sweat. You looked around and burst into tears. You curled up into a ball and cried your eyes out in a dark, dirty alley. This was not how you had expected this day to go.

Suddenly you saw a shape in the darkness. You screamed and tried to crawl away, but something about it drew you back. It held out a hand.

You looked up for a moment in hope, but you sank back in despair, "No, no, no. You're just an illusion, just like everything else. Leave me alone. Leave me alone."

It sat down beside you, "So it happened."

You shrank away from it, "You're just an illusion, and you'll be gone in a few seconds."

It put its hand on your shoulder and you gasped.

The darkness around you faded and you saw a face, and then a person. Pain and then joy. Darkness and light.

You looked at it, "Jason?"

He hugged you, "You're going to be okay."

You paused, but then you let your tears fall freely and you squeezed Jason tight. There was no way you were ever letting him go again, "How did you-"

He held his finger to his lips, "Shh, little sister. I'll tell you later. For now, you should rest."

He pulled on a red mask and picked you up. He carried you on his back like you weighed nothing, just like when you were younger. He took something off of your foot and threw it into the trash. Then he carried you away just as a car came driving up.

"Is she here?" Garfield asked shakily from the car.

Tim searched around the alley, "I'm picking up her tracker, but-oh no."

Garfield jumped out, "Oh no? Oh no what?"

He held up the tracker, "She ditched the tracker. We have no way of finding her."

Garfield shifted into a dog, "That's not entirely true." He sniffed the tracker and started to follow the scent. I got her into this. He thought. I'm going to get her out of it.

He sniffed along the ground until he picked up your scent, "This way!"

You woke up on a small bed in a poorly lit room. You bolted upright and looked around, "Jason?"

It couldn't have been a dream. But then again, this sort of thing had been happening often enough. You shook your head, it had to be real.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up. How'd you sleep?"

You spun your head around to see Jason walking into the room with a cup of coffee in his hand. So it hadn't been a dream, "Jason! How did you-you were-what happened to you?"

Jason laughed and handed you the coffee, "Always so curious. Drink up, you need something hot."

You sipped the coffee and looked at him, you still couldn't believe he was alive, "But-but how? You just came back from the dead magically?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Listen sis, I die for a few minutes, next thing I know Batman's got a new robin, Wally's dead, Nightwing's gone into retirement, and then my little sister joins the team. I don't know how it happened, but it did and so I had to move on." He took your hand, "It was going pretty well until I heard about you."

You stifled a gasp. He knew, and now he was going to run away like everyone else, "Jason I-" suddenly the mug shattered and pieces of glass went flying everywhere.

Jason put his hands on your shoulders and sighed, "I won't run, I promise. I only want to help." He looked at your scared face and then at the broken pieces of glass, "But it's gotten worse. Come with me." He stood up and pulled on a red mask.

You took his hand and he led you towards the door, which promptly flew open just as you were about to reach for the handle.

You gasped as a green tiger appeared in the doorway with Tim standing next to it, "Let her GO!"

Because of Jason ToddWhere stories live. Discover now