Chapter 8

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Nightwing pulled into the parking lot, "Okay...well we don't want to attract too much attention. Here, put these on" he tossed back some T shits and hoodies.

Garfield grabbed a Galactic Wars T-shirt, "Cool! I'm wearing this one."

Nightwing looked back, "Um, I think you'd better stay her BB." Garfield's face fell, "But I want to help."

Barbara pulled on a grey hoodie, "We don't want to attract attention and..."

"You're kind of green." Tim finished, pulling on a Justice League shirt.

Garfield nodded, "Okay then. I'll wait here." He put his legs on the seat, "Bye."

Tim, Dick, and Barbara took off their masks and got out of the car, "We'll be right back Gar." Barbara said as she closed the door.

"Sure." Garfield muttered, "I'll be in the car." He fiddled around with his tail and sighed, "I guess you're not the only one who's a weirdo, Picture." He picked up the paper and sighed, what were they finding inside that was so important?

Suddenly, something caught his eye on the edge of the paper. It had been folded very carefully in the corner. He slowly unfolded it and stared at it uncertainly. There was a smaller symbol there, an animal's paw inside of a human hand. Beast Boy.

He realized something else, pointing in the hand was a small compass, and one of the fingers was pointing due west. He chuckled to himself, "I can't believe the Bat Boys missed this."

He looked out the window and towards the setting sun, and then down at the paper, "I'm coming, Picture." He opened the door and ran off, "I'm coming."

Dick walked into the small shop and looked around. There were tables and people everywhere. It smelled like coffee and baked goods. He sighed; this had been your favorite place to eat. It made sense that you would send them there. Suddenly he spotted someone that he recognized. Talia Alghul.

She saw him too. She put down her coffee cup and nodded him over. Tim and Barbara followed. Dick sat down and narrowed his eyes, "What do you want?"

Talia smiled, "Well some gratitude would be most welcome."

Tim gritted his teeth, "For what? Kidnapping our sister?"

Barbara shushed Tim and the smile disappeared from Talia's face, "Kidnapping? I'm sure I don't know what you mean."

Tim slammed his fist down on the table, "Yes you do. Who else has the money to hire somebody else to do their dirty work? Who else would know how to cover up their tracks so well? What do you want?"

Talia stared at him coolly, "What could you give me? Money? I already have that. There's nothing you could give me that would tempt me."

Nightwing stepped in, "Do you know anything about this? Our sister left us a message that led us here."

Talia leaned back, "I don't know why?"

Barbara spoke, "What do you mean gratitude?"

Talia sighed, "And they said you were smart."

Tim leaned over the table, "Tell us!"

"For the revival of your deceased comrade." She said, casually looking at her nails, "Your welcome."

Dick narrowed his eyes, "Who?"

Talia rolled her eyes, "The bat boy. Jason Todd I think?" she smiled as confusion filled their faces.

"What?" Dick said, "What do you mean?"

Talia raised an eyebrow, "I thought he would have come back to you by now, or at least that little sister of yours."

Tim paled, "Dick, she said that she had seen Jason, right before that man in the red mask took her. I didn't think anything of it, but now..."

"Jason." Dick gasped.

Barbara shook her head, "Wait, we don't know that that was Jason."

Tim nodded slowly, "He knew everything. He obviously knew that we put trackers on our cars. He knew where we were headed to with Picture..."

Dick looked down at the table, "And Picture never tried to stop him, or hurt him."

Barbara's eyes widened, "Yeah, she should have lashed out at him like him like she did with BB."

They all stood up. Dick nodded at Talia, "Thank you" Talia smiled and nodded, "Goodbye Mr. Grayson."

They rushed out of the Café and headed for the car. Tim opened the door, "Garfield! We've- Garfield?"

He looked around the car, "Garfield's not in here."

"What?!" Dick and Barbara yelled. Dick scanned the car, "Crap. He's gone."

Barbara groaned, "You didn't happen to leave a tra-"

Tim and Dick turned on their holo-screens. A small red dot traveled west towards the docks.

"Put it on him when we left the car." Tim explained.

"As soon as we left the cave." Dick said.

Barbara sighed, "Why do I even ask. you have one planted on me?"

Tim and Dick glanced at each other, "No... Course not." they said in unison before quickly ducking into the car.

"Hurry up Babs." Tim yelled.

"Yeah let's get going!" Dick said out the window.

Babs shook her head and climbed into the car, "Boys."

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