Part 12-It's All Coming Back to Me Now

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My P.O.V

I went on my day as usual. Nothing exciting happened. Except that I had no craving for food, which didn't make much sense to me. Plus whenever I was outdoors,  I always had to check to see if my ring was still on after I removed it in the bathroom. What was causing me to think like that? Was I really a vampire after all?

Damon's P.O.V

I almost forgot what that witch Emily Bennett told me back in 1864.

Not every vampire needs compulsion especially if they're willing. I made her willing by compelling her. 

She's sure by now to have regain her memory of everything that happened to her last night! 

Oh, why should I even care about her. I should not even be wasting most of my day thinking about her like... she's the one for me.

My P.O.V

As I laid in my bedroom after school. I kept looking at the silver ring on my finger and the drawing I drew earlier. 

Could it had been real all along?

That was when the flashes of memory came back to me.

The bar, him walking with me to the city park, his bite, his home, the training we did, the passion we shared... ALL OF IT WAS REAL!

Damon P.O.V

Adina, oh Adina, why did I had to just leave her like that? Oh wait, I know why, because I'm a idiot. Because I stopped myself from wanting what I want. I didn't trust myself with her and therefore I just let her save me for her dreams, literally. 

But I see now why I went after her the way I did, I have feelings for her. I see in her someone who is in need of that same desire as what I live for. Someone who's open to making anything happen, isn't ashamed to make sacrifices, and... is trusting.

She was scared of me at first but as time went on, she realized that I meant her no harm; even though that's what I originally intended.

She must have her memories back by now now that she's vampire. But, will she be willing to take that plunge into that World with me?

I have to go and meet her back at the same spot we met last night.

My P.O.V 

YES! I remember everything now! I did met that man I drew, and it was the night before! 

He originally wanted to kill me for my blood, but he didn't. He let me live! His name was-Damon! He wanted me to his companion and... and he didn't seem sure.

Is that why he let the way he did last night? He felt ashamed about changing  me?

I can't lie that at first I was a bit scared of him, but he turned out to be trusting, protective, helpful, and romantic. 

Romantic, yes, he is that for sure. I can see the way he looks at me that he wants me but not just for my body. Maybe that was another thing he was guilty of. 

I have to see him again, I just hope he'll be there where I met him.

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