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Guess who's back? Guess who's announcing her return by uploading four different chapters at once? Yup, me!

Now, enjoy!


Revolve is gone.

So is Matsukaze.

Shindou stares out over the ruined wastelands that are the Eastern Branch grounds. He's on a part of the roof that is still stable, leaning on the barricade and letting the wind blow his hair around his face.

The sun is setting in the distance, painting the sky red.

It's been hours since Revolve's attack and Matsukaze's kidnapping.


The teen startles at the sound of another voice, but doesn't turn around to see who comes to stand next to him. His companion leans on the barricade as well, neither of the two looking at each other. Content – if that's the right word – to look out over the remains of the battlefield.

''You okay?'' asks Fei finally, softly. He turns his head slightly, inspecting Shindou silently. ''You've been avoiding everyone for hours.''

The Raimon player doesn't really have an answer to that question.

''I don't know.''

Fei grimaces at that answer, but doesn't push. He can only imagine what his friend is going through and so turns his head away, instead looking at the dying sun.

For a long while, the only sound comes from the rustling of the wind.

There's a city in the distance. Far enough to be away from the fighting that took place at the Eastern Branch, but still close enough to be seen. It's painted a pitch black against the red canvas of the sky.

''We knew him.'' Shindou's voice is a whisper, barely audible above the sound of the wind. Fei can't hear it well enough, but he imagines that it must sound pained. ''It all makes sense now,'' adds the game maker, even softer if that's possible. ''His mixed reactions to us. He hated us yet- yet some things he said, some things he did- they made it seem as if somehow, somewhere he cared for us. He wanted us safe from Revolve and- I'm not sure- I don't know if it was because he didn't want us to get in the way or if- if he actually still... cared for us. Really, truly cared for us.''

Now that the dam's broken, it doesn't seem like it's going to stop anytime soon.

''We looked so- so happy,'' whispers Shindou and his voice breaks. ''Tsurugi and I, and then- Matsukaze, he looked so happy, so light and cheerful and-'' he has to stop to swallow, his voice rough and his hands clenching the balustrade so tightly that the skin of his hands is turning white. ''What the hell happened to change him so much? What did we allow to happen?''

Fei watches the suffering of his friend silently, but at that last question, he places a gentle hand on Shindou's shoulder. ''Hey,'' he says, kindly but with a hint of force in his voice, ''this was not your fault.'' Disbelieving brown eyes finally look at him. ''What happened to Matsukaze- it was because of Revolve. You tried to fight them, but they were too strong. They removed your memories, Shindou, there's no way you could've known.''

The game maker grits his teeth and sharply turns his head away, his hair blocking his expression. ''You don't understand!'' the scream is sudden, loud in the twilight, and causes Fei to take a step backwards.

He's never heard the other so desperate before.

Shindou doesn't look at him, instead turning his gaze to the ground below. His shoulders are uncomfortably tense and his face is still hidden in the shadows. ''He was our captain and- I saw the way I looked at him! I don't know everything, I don't remember it, but I know that he- he-'' he chokes on his words, shoulders shaking silently.

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