The New Student

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Hey guys, I really wanted to write another chapter for this, so here it is! And I'm afraid some people (you know who you are) might get even more triggered if I waited any longer. Though, I don't think this chapter really helped with the suspicion...

Well, this is supposed to be a mystery fic, after all! XD



A snap echoed through the room, followed by a pained scream. Blood flowed from a dozen cuts, littering the boy's chest, dripping on the white metal floor and adding to the dried pools already there. An arm, bent at an unnatural angle, bruises so dark that they looked black.

The scream died down, replaced by hoarse sobbing as tears streamed from blueish grey eyes. ''S-stop...'' a breathless whisper, almost inaudible, broke through the sobs.

The person kneeling next to the broken figure on the ground smiled, throwing the knife he held in the air and catching it with his other hand. ''What was that?'' he asked, but his only answer was a defeated sob. ''You will have to talk a bit louder than that.''

A shuddering breath. '' st-stop...'' still a whisper, though a little louder and clearer this time. Pained, exhausted.

The teen shook his head, his friendly smile growing. ''You know we won't do that,'' he said, as if informing about the weather. ''We're not even close to halfway done!'' he added cheerfully and the figure whimpered.

''Y-you won't... get a-away... w-with th-this...'' he breathed. If it was supposed to be threatening, it failed miserably. Greyish blue eyes, filled with pain and fear, also shone with hope and trust. ''Th-they will... c-come...''

The teenager laughed loudly, the sound echoing through the room, almost dropping his knife. He laughed so hard that his navy blue eyes filled with tears that threatened to roll down his cheeks. ''You should know by now,'' he said through his chuckles, ''that they won't.'' He grinned cheerfully. ''It's been two months. How long do you think you can hold on?''

The prisoner stayed silent, his gaze lowering to the bloodstained floor. The teenager's grin grew, almost predatory, as he stared down at the boy's fragile form. ''We've made bets, you know,'' he continued. ''Some thought you would break weeks ago, others thought you would hold on a little longer.'' He shrugged, turning the knife around in his hands. ''You're surprisingly strong for someone so... delicate,'' he decided on after searching for the right word for a few moments.

Blueish grey eyes darted upwards to meet dark navy. The teenager smirked at the prisoner and grabbed his chin, his grip just forceful enough to hurt. ''They all laughed at me when I said all of them would lose a lot of money,'' he said, turning the boy's head a bit while observing him carefully. ''But now they seem to be quite hesitant. You've hold on longer than most guys here.''

He adjusted his grip on the knife and placed it against the prisoner's cheek, almost tenderly. The boy's eyes widened in fear but he didn't dare say anything as his captor continued speaking. ''Hm... I wonder, what would you look like if I played with your pretty little face a bit?'' he mused and the prisoner shivered.

The teenager smiled a dark, predatory smile. ''Well, I suppose there's only one way to find out, hm?'' he dragged the dagger down the boy's cheek, applying a little pressure so he would feel it, but not enough to break the skin. ''So many options...'' he muttered.

His navy blue eyes settled on the prisoner's grey ones. ''You're doing pretty well,'' he said suddenly and the prisoner's orbs filled with confusion. The captor apparently noticed it, for he explained further. ''Most of our prisoners have broken long before they even reached this point. The few who didn't would give in soon. But you... your body is damaged, badly, from physical torture. We've been inflicting a lot of mental torture on you as well, and yet... you still have hope. You still know happiness, love, trust. It's shocking, really, but it's also exciting,'' he growled, a smirk growing on his face.

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