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Okay, welcome back to chapter seven of Warped! This is going to have some feels, mainly Tenma's, in which he isn't really a jerk and just a cinnamon roll who really needs a hug. Sorry not sorry.

Muhahaha~ I can't wait to read your reactions, especially when- oops, no spoilers >:D

Anyway, enjoy!


''Well hello Tenma.'' The sound of a door being opened echoed through the white cell, and a navy-haired teenager entered. He closed the door firmly behind him, a lock clicking into place, and scanned the room.

''Hm,'' he hummed, almost curiously. ''So this is your new cell? Kind of... monotone,'' he commented as he looked around the quite large room. The walls, ceiling and floor were all smooth and white, fluorescent lights replacing the windows. The only thing that broke the monotone white were the pools of blood covering almost the entire floor.

In the biggest pool of blood lied a person. Wounds covered his whole body and the clothes he wore – white, like the rest of the room – were torn and soaked in red. His eyelids fluttered open, revealing blueish grey orbs.

Tenma's gaze tried to settle on the newcomer, but it was clear he was too out of it to really focus. The navy-haired teenager walked forward, not caring about the blood staining his shoes, and kneeled down next to the brunet. ''They really did a number on you. Shame I had to miss it.''

The prisoner glared weakly but didn't try to speak. The navy-haired teen didn't seem put off by this and instead scanned the wounds on Tenma's body. ''I have to admit, I didn't think Nagai could be this violent. He's the neat guy around here, you know? To leave such a mess behind, well, it's unexpected.''

He sighed and grimaced. ''It's sad, though. I wanted to have some fun as well, but if I do, you might actually die and we still need you.'' Then he clicked his fingers, as if realizing something. ''Almost forgot. That's why I'm here, actually – time for another session.''

The navy-haired teenager suddenly grabbed the brunet's arm roughly, and a cry of pain left Tenma's lips. The other didn't care and instead revealed a needle with a clear white liquid in it. He injected it into a vein on the brunet's arm and the world started to fade.

Pain, sound, sight, everything blurred together into a mess of warped reality. Tenma suspected he was being carried – or was it dragged? – somewhere, but every touch upon his skin seemed to burn like acid. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't move, no matter how hard he tried.

His heart pounded in his ears and distinctly he could hear something else – voices, most likely – but he couldn't make any sense of them. Colors blurred together and the light gave him a headache, but his eyelids wouldn't close.

All of a sudden, he stopped moving without realizing he moved in the first place, and the mess of colors stilled. His hearing cleared a little and he could make out individual voices, but he was too tired to figure out what they were saying.

Just as things were coming into focus again, light crashed over him and overwhelming agony overtook his senses. Even the paralyzing drug couldn't keep him from screaming at the searing torment that was tearing through his body.

He tried to get away, but something kept him in place. He fought against the restrains with all his might, but they wouldn't budge. Suddenly, the excruciating anguish increased and an inhuman stream tore itself from his throat.

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