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Hello~ I'm back with chapter six~

Warning: contains plot twists and Tenma being a jerk. Have fun reading!


''Well, well, well... Tenma, why didn't you invite us to the party?'' the voice is filled with amused malice as it echoes over the field. The purple light starts to glow even brighter, until it becomes painful to look at, and the onlookers have to shield their eyes.

''What- what's happening?'' Shindou asks through gritted teeth, squinting against the light to try and see something. It's almost impossible to see it through the hurtful light, but he swears he catches sight of a human shape coming from the portal. ''What-?''

Then the light becomes even brighter and he's forced to look away.

It lasts for a few seconds before dying down. When the light finally disappears completely, there is a group of people standing where the gate was only a moment ago.

There are eleven in total – teenagers, of about the same age as Raimon and Earth Eleven. They are dressed in matching uniforms – white shorts, dark purple socks, and a shirt in the same shade with logo on it. A white circle with a black dot and a lighter purple line around it.

The captain of the soccer team – because it's obvious that they are one – is a teenager, of about seventeen years old and everything about his sharp. His hair, which reaches a little below his chin, covers one of his eyes. It's black and spiky, with the ends of the spikes being a scarlet red. His one visible eye is an icy blue, and his lips are quirked up in a small, cocky smile.

His visible eye scans the field cautiously, taking in all the individuals gathered there. The tension in the air can be cut with a knife, both parties waiting for the other to do something.

After a few heavy seconds, the captain of the strange team breaks the silence with a silk-like voice. ''Greetings, Raimon,'' he says, and it would sound polite if it wasn't for the slight hint of mockery in his tone. His eyes zero in on one figure in particular. ''Tenma.''

The brunet's eyes are filled with hatred as he glares at the new arrival. ''Nagai,'' he spats out through gritted teeth.

The captain – Nagai – smiles even as his eye narrows at the tone the other teen uses to address him. ''You seem to have recovered nicely,'' he comments lightly.

Tenma's nails dug into the palms of his hands. If looks could kill, Nagai would've been reduced to a pile of bones by now. ''Cut the crap, asshole. Why are you here?''

The black-haired boy tilts his head and tuts, his lips stretching into a taunting smirk. ''Ah, what a refreshing presence you are,'' he sneers. ''As for your question, we require your presence.'' His voice loses all traces of mockery as he says that.

To the surprise of Nagai and his team, the brunet just snorts. A cold smile pulls at his lips and he glowers at them. ''What makes you think I'm coming with you?'' the captain of the strange team is about to open his mouth to answer, but Tenma continues before he can say anything. ''And don't talk about the deal, we both know it's off. Once a month, not twice – you broke your word first, so I don't have to hold mine.''

This gets a reaction out of the team. Nagai frowns and anger fills his blue eye, but he doesn't speak. Instead the boy right of him steps forward with a growl. ''What'dya think you can do, Tenma?'' he hisses furiously. ''Escape? Like that's gonna work.''

The teenager that spoke has spiky, navy blue hair that would've reached his shoulder blades if it wasn't pulled back into a ponytail. His eyes are a matching navy and together with his pale skin and sharp teeth, he has a very dangerous aura around him.

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