Judging Rubric

46 6 0

It's only fair to tell you how each ignite will be scored so you can always understand how the ranks came to be. There is nothing worse than feeling that the judging is not consistent and so I am letting everyone know where points will be placed in advance.

The number of points listed is how many total that can be earned in each area of judging and totalled up at the end. The ignite with the highest points at the end will be the winner.

Use of Spark- 5pts. Simple enough, we do want the ignites to be relivent to the sparks given for each contest.

Grammar and Spelling- 15pts. We all want to improve our writing and imaginations, thus this is a high point spot. Make sure to follow the rules on the asterisk (*) or you lose points here.

Creativity- 5pts. We want to see how the spark inites your creativity. Be original.

Plot- 20pts. These may be quick writes, but there should be a flow or plot that can be understood from it. Your ignite should be more inspired than random words.

Total Possible Points- 45pts.

Now don't look at these and stress yourself out. Remember this is for fun and so use the spark and see what ignites. You never know where it could take you. ^,.,^

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