Part 3 Sleepover in Harry's Room

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"Because," Harry strikes a ridiculous provocative pose, "You can’t resist me."

Louis has to bite his lip to stop from laughing out loud." Of course, Hazza!" he whips out his phone, snaps a picture and runs.

Harry is still in pose, "...wot?" then realizes what Lou did. "Hey, get back here!" He goes after Louis.

Louis is in Harry's bed underneath the covers trying to suppress his giggles, clutching his phone close to his chest.

"Louis!" Harry exclaims under his breath and attacks the bump on his bed.

Louis screeches, then quickly covers his mouth remembering Niall, "Yes, Harry?" he asks innocently peeking out from the covers.

Harry is on top of Louis looking into his eyes, "Give me that phone." He says in a grave tone.

"I don't know what you’re talking about." Louis blinks innocently. His phone vibrates in his pocket. His eyes get huge.

"What was that? Not a vibrating machine for you know what, now is it?" Harry smirks.

Louis eyes widen and his face turns bright red, "W-what!? No! Why would I have one of those?" He says as he nervously giggles.

"Either you had it from doing it with a certain person or..." Harry smiles evilly, "You were planning on raping me."

"What? No, Harry! It’s my phone, I swear!" He starts to squirm under Harry, “I promise!"

Harry’s face is like an “oh!” expression and he says “Mhm, sure. Squirming now, huh?”

"Harrrrry" Louis whines, "You're sitting on my bladder!”

Harry adjusted himself but was still on Louis, "Better, boo Lou bear?"

"Much!" He beams up at Harry "Now. Why are we sitting on me in the first place, Curly?"

"Gee, I don’t know, Stripes, maybe you should ask your sex vibrator" Harry says mimicking Louis.

"Harrrry!! It’s just my phone! Which reminds me..." Louis whips out his phone and publishes the tweet containing Harry's picture.

Harry gasps and asks, "You just didn’t?"

"Oh, Harry, I just DID! oh look! Already 500 RTs! That’s gonna be all over in about 5 minutes max?" He sticks his tongue out.

"Ohohohooooho! WELL." Harry says, sitting up but still on Louis, "I have interesting facts to post on Twitter."

"Haha, you have nothing on me this time, Curls." He poke him in the stomach lightly.

"Hmm so what about that play-by-play of you and El, hm?" Harrys says teasingly.

Niall then walks by to see what the two are doing, and sees Harry on top of Louis, is scarred and runs to Liam and cries, "Larry sex in Harry’s room!!"

Liam explodes with laughter while Louis blushes and says,

"H-harry think of all the 6 year olds following you! And what about El? Not to mention Niall over here!" He was frantic.

"Fine, fine. But were you thinking of the 6 year olds when you posted my pic?"

"Most six year olds follow you! Haven’t you noticed? You are at the next million followers!" He ruffles Harry's curls.

Harry purrs, "Haha that’s right, boo bear!"

"Harry, sometimes you fail to remember that you aren’t a cat." He winks "Now move, I need to pee."

"Oooo ok fine" Harry gets off and rolls over, "Go before you wet my bed!"

Louis gets up and runs to the bathroom, nearly tripping over Liam in the process, who shouts, "Hey! No running in the house!"

Harry giggles to himself as he stares up at the ceiling "Daddy Direction" he murmurs to himself.

All of a sudden, Louis comes flying down the hall, avoiding Liam and launches himself onto Harry's bed in a fit of laughter.

Harry is amazed, "..Bloody heck...? How did you fly, Louis? Wot's funny?"

"I guess I was just running really fast. And the look on Niall's face was hilarious!"

 Then Liam marches in, "LOUIS!!" He shouts.

As soon as Liam marches in, Harry quickly pulls Louis close, gives Liam a rebellious stare & lightly bites Louis’ ear.

"What were you thinking, Louis!? You could've broke your neck!!" Liam scolded. Louis wasn’t paying any attention though. "What are you doing?" he whispered to Harry.

"Trying to get Daddy Direction upset" Harry whispered back.

"Haha, okay." he chuckled. "Are you even listening!?" Liam scoffed.

" Not really, no" Louis responded honestly.

"He’s enjoying my ear nibbling, Liam" Harry chimed in.

Liam throws his hands up in defeat. "Can’t even talk to you guys, just trying to keep you safe." He mutters as he walks away.

"Topside" Harry says still nibbling Louis' ear "Guess we're mad at again."

"Here, he's gone now. You don’t have to continue that. We already ticked him off." Louis turned around smiling at his best friend.

"Well then, I’m going to sleep" he cuddled with a pillow, "G’night, boo bear."

"Mmm,okay, Hazza" he checked his mentions on Twitter. They were all about the picture. He fell asleep next to Harry.

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