Kiss and make up

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Warnings: This chapter contains mature scenes.


Nut, Dom and Ek slowly turned behind and noticed their senior, Lam was walking towards them. They gulped, knowing that Lam is part of the hazing team. Did the senior come out to punish them on behalf of Forth?

"Kr—krap P'Lam."

Lam folded his arms, his expression serious. "Don't think you can walk scot free just because P'Beam came to defend you."

Unable to reply, they remained quiet.

Lam circled the boys. "I have to give it to you. You actually dared to go to the Medical Faculty to see Beam and Kit. While the idea is novel, it is also dangerous—

—I'm warning the three of you. You better pray that Forth and Beam doesn't break up because of you guys."

Lam clucked his tongue. "Because if they do, your lives will be a living hell from now on. Even if Forth doesn't do anything, I will."

The senior smirked. "Remember that, and be very afraid," he said and walked away.

Xx Surviving Hazing Week xX

Nut couldn't stop shaking. He, Dom and Ek didn't stop until they reached Nut's place. Fortunately, Nut's parents weren't home so he avoided being grilled by them. They gathered at Nut's room, each held a cup of hot tea.

For the longest time, none of the boys said anything. They stared at each other, as if they were engaged in a silent game. Finally, Dom couldn't take it and cursed.

"Fuck! Fuck! What the fuck do we do now?"

"Too many fucks in a sentence," Ek said.

"That's because it bears repeating!" Dom yelled. "Nut, what the hell are we supposed to do now? P'Forth and P'Beam were arguing because of what we did!"

"Nut, I told you we shouldn't have gone to the Medical Faculty yesterday!" Ek grumbled.

"Damn right. Look what have we gotten ourselves into? P'Forth and P'Beam fought and if they break up, say goodbye to our university life!" Dom stood up, paced around. "Nut, why the fuck did you message P'Beam that P'Forth called us to the office?"

"You think I wanted it to happen?" Nut stood up, pushed Dom a little. "If I didn't do that, do you think P'Forth would have let us go bruise free? Did you forget who he is? He IS the freaking leader of Engineering!"

Dom and Ek kept quiet at Nut's outburst, knowing Nut had said nothing but the truth. Dom sat on the carpeted floor again. "What do we do now?"

Nut rubbed his face with his hands vigorously. "I don't know. I don't want to be the cause of their breakup. P'Beam is so nice to us; I don't want to ruin his relationship with P'Forth because of our stupidity."

"Not to mention P'Forth and P'Lam will come after us," Dom said miserably.

"Don't forget P'Ming. P'Forth is graduating this year but what about P'Ming? He's poised to be the head hazer next year. If something went south with P'Ming and P'Kit's relationship, we can kiss our peaceful university life goodbye," Ek added.

"Fuck!" Dom cursed again. "What do we do now?" he asked, directing the question at Nut.

Nut bit his lip and thought for a while. Finally, he pushed his spectacles up. "For starters, let's apologize to P'Forth and P'Beam. We owe them that much."

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