Forth vs Freshmen

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As luck would have it, Professor Aunty cancelled class again. Beam was starting to think that Mondays must be the boys' lucky day because for two weeks in a row, class was cancelled after the they came to see him at the Medical Faculty.

But Beam's dilemma was far from over. Having free time was one thing, walking into Engineering was another. He didn't think he could use Kit as an excuse anymore because he knew Forth wouldn't buy it.

Just as he was about to leave the class, Professor Aunty summoned the three of them.

"Phana, Kit and Beam."

The three grudgingly made their way to the front where the professor stood. "Krap, Ajarn."

"Phana and Kit, I need you to tutor some first-year students."

"Er-Ajarn. Why did you ask Kit and me to do it?"

Professor Aunty pushed her glasses up and smiled mockingly. "That's because you skipped my class last week, Phana. And as for you Kit, the assignment you handed in was less than satisfactory. This is your extra credit," she said as she dumped the files on their hands. "Room C105, in 15 minutes."

Phana and Kit couldn't say anything else and merely nodded their heads.

"As for you, Beam. Help me to pass this to the Mechanical Professor in Engineering. He needs this immediately. You may go home after that," she said and left the lecture hall.

Beam took the huge file and groaned. "This is the second time she asked me to do it."

"Hey, at least you only need to pass the file. Kit and I still has to tutor the freshmen," Pha said, waving the files to Beam. He turned to Kit, "Let's get this done with, Kit."

Kit nodded his head. Before leaving, he leaned over at Beam, whispering. "This is a perfect excuse for you to drop by Engineering. Go help the nongs."

He patted Beam's shoulder and ran to catch up with Pha.

Beam drove to Engineering in Forth's car. Forth had insisted that Beam used his car that morning. He didn't give a specific reason and since Beam was already late for class, he didn't argue.

The moment he turned into the Engineering Faculty, Beam regretted almost instantly.

"Damn it, I should have driven my own car," Beam muttered when he noticed how much attention he was receiving. Of course, he was driving Forth's car and his SUV was well known in the Faculty. Beam swore that every car he passed slowed down and wouldn't move until he had passed.

This IS madness. Beam thought. It constantly reminded him why he hated coming here.

He parked Forth's car, tried his level best to avoid the stares and went to look for the Mechanics Professor. He tried the staff room first, assuming that the short, old man would be there. He was wrong.

Way to go, Beam. Now you have to go looking for him class by class. He cheered himself.

"Beam!" He recognized the voice anywhere. The deep, smooth baritone could only be Forth's.

His husband, looking like a youth gang leader in his blue jacket, walked towards him with Ming, Lam and the rest of the hazing team.

The rest of the team members waved at him while Ming wai-ed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, taking the huge file from Beam.

Beam made a face. "Professor Aunty asked me to pass this to the Mechanical Professor - Again."

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