The cat's out of the bag

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This chapter is dedicated to @HanihTaf . You're awesome because you read my Finder Series fiction too!

Nut knew he wasn't supposed to do it. He knew it would be dangerous to visit Beam at the Medical Faculty again, but his senior had been a great help and he wanted to say his thanks. After Peter's disastrous outburst, he left the gym, stating that he would rather change his study course than continue suffering in Engineering. Peter took the easy way out but for the rest of the freshmen, they unfortunately, did not escape punishment.

A harsh punishment was meted but thanks to Beam's intervention, they only jogged around the gym twice and said more chants. The walk around the campus was also cancelled. So, Nut told Ek and Dom that he was compelled to at least offer Beam a thank you gift.

"Nut, don't be crazy, we're not doing this again," Dom pleaded.

"Dom's right. We already got what we wanted. P'Beam came and our punishments were lesser. Why do we still need to go undercover in Medical again?"

"I thought we should offer our gratitude. P'Beam did help us a lot, you know. Tomorrow is the last day of hazing so let's go and say our thanks."

Dom shook his head. "Aren't you afraid that P'Forth will drop by? Not to mention P'Pha is always with P'Beam and P'Kit."

"P'Kit will help," Nut said confidently. "The last time we were here, he pulled P'Pha away so we could talk to P'Beam alone, remember?"

"I still think it's dangerous," Ek said. "Why don't you just drop him a LINE message?"

Nut looked around, checking to see if anyone was listening to their conversation. They were after all, in the Medical Faculty's cafeteria so anyone could be a spy. When he was satisfied that no one was paying attention to them, Nut focused on his friends again.

"I did LINE him on Monday night."

Ek sat up, mover closer to Nut. "So, what did P'Beam say?"

Nut wriggled his fingers, motioning his friends to sit closer. He then showed them his LINE chat inbox with Beam.

NUTTY NUT Monday, 23.38

P'Beam. Thanks for saving us again during the hazing.

Only 4 more days till hazing ends.

Can we buy you lunch when everything is over?"

BEAM.B Tuesday, 09.54

Don't mention it. I hope Forth has stopped becoming a jerk. If he still is, let me know. 😊 You don't have to buy me lunch.

NUTTY NUT Tuesday 10.01

P'Forth is already very forgiving these few days. P'Beam, please allow us to give you a treat. It's the least we could do.

BEAM.B Tuesday 10.05

No, don't worry about it. Just LINE me if you need anything, okay? I'll try my best to help even though you're supposed to be under Forth's care.

NUTTY NUT Tuesday, 10.07

Thank you so much, P'Beam!

Dom and Ek stared at Nut's phone in awe. "Wow, you're actually LINE friends with P'Beam."

Nut kept his phone. "See, P'Beam is so nice! We should show our gratitude!"

"Okay, okay, I get you," Dom said before looking curiously at the small paper bag that Nut brought along. "So, what did you get him?"

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